Arrayed Alphabetically: Difference between revisions

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:[[Bridget Mac Amhlaidh]] - Gangrel of Glasgow
:[[Bridget Mac Amhlaidh]] - Gangrel of Glasgow
:[[Seonag Hardie Mac Innis]] - Brujah of Glasgow
:[[Seonag Hardie Mac Innis]] - Brujah of Glasgow
:[[Osgar MacLeod]] - Malkavian of Glasgow
:[[Osgur Mac Leod]] - Malkavian of Glasgow
:[[Jeremy MacNeil]] - Brujah Elder & Autarkis (Los Angeles)
:[[Jeremy MacNeil]] - Brujah Elder & Autarkis (Los Angeles)
:[[Cellach MacTaggart]]  - Brujah Sheriff of Glasgow
:[[Cellach MacTaggart]]  - Brujah Sheriff of Glasgow

Revision as of 16:24, 19 January 2014

Arrayed by Clan / Arrayed by Sect


Abdullah - Lasombra Sire of Suleiman ibn Abdullah (Arabian Peninsula)
Abetorius - Tremere Councillor of the Middle East (Istanbul)
Jarvis Acton - Toreador Steam Punk Architect, Sofia
Father Adam - Caitiff Cainite Heretic, Sofia. Brother of Liza Taft
Alexis - Ravnos & An Exceptional Thief (Anathema)
Guilelmo Aliprando - Current Lasombra Archbishop of Nod (former Prince of Venice)
Jake Almerson - Anarch & Sire of Tom Weaver (New Orleans)
Amadis the Paladin - Toreador antitribu childe of Yitzhak and a member of The Fleur-de-Lys Coven of Montreal
Anastas the Krueger - Tzimisce Childe of the Counter of Bones, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Angelo - The Blood Brother (Anathema)
Girard D'Anjou - Leader of the Fleurs-de-lis Pack (Nomadic Pack from Montreal)
Al-Ashrad - Assamite Amr of Alamut
Qadir Al-Asmai - Toreador Sheriff of New York
Alexander of Vienna - Nosferatu Information Broker.
Crispus Attucks (Los Angeles)
Livia Augusta - Childe of Boukephos & Sire of Narses of Venice (Inconnu)
Jurgis Ąžuolas - Adopted Brujah Childe of Brian O'Reilly


Leonid Barofsky
Beyza of the Baths - Nosferatu of Istanbul and Sofia
Dalibor Biskup - Slovak Elois and Ancilla Politician (Dresden)
Lady Blagorodina - Old Clan Tzimisce Koldun, Belogradchik, Bulgaria
Magdalena Blanchard - Malkavian Keeper of Elysium, Glasgow
Boukephos - Ancient Lasombra Antitribu (Greece)
Grigor Boriskovic - Seneschal of Sofia, Brujah
Dr.Émeric "Vespasien" Bouchard - Childe of Jeremy Sanderson
Lady Anne Bowesley - Ventrue Prince of London
Tercio Bravo Childe of Boukephos(Spain)
Kreszentia Suse Brandt - Ventrue Ancilla of East Berlin
Branimira - Toreador resident of Troyan, Bulgaria
Dylan Bruce - Black Hand Remover & Infernalist (Officially Captured & Killed in Sofia, Bulgaria - 2002 C.E.) (Anathema)
Andrev Burgosov (Андрев Бургосов) (Rio de Janeiro)


Cassandra - Malkavian Remover for Hire, Sofia
Randall Carley - Tremere Archon of South-Eastern Europe
Carlyle - Progeny of Salvador Garcia (Los Angeles)
Cedilia of the Tongue - Malkavian Priestess of Bothothel. Haiti
Dino Cerutti - Lasombra Antitribu and Anarch (New York)
Prince Chavdar - Old Clan Tzimisce Lord of Sliven, Bulgaria
Stefan Chilikov - Ventrue Crime Lord, Sofia
Counter of Bones - Tzimisce Metamorphosist, Ruler of Veliko Tarnovo
Abbott Craw - Ventrue Neonate of London in exile
Erasmo Casimiro Alonso de Cursio - Progeny of Basilio (Transylvania)
Molok Cvetkov - Tzimisce childe of the Counter of Bones, Veliko Tarnovo Province


Dajbog - Old Clan Tzimisce Viovode of Vidin, Bulgaria
Duke Damyan - Old Clan Tzimisce Ruler of Kumakovo, Mascedonia]]
Caden Drud - Former Nosferatu Sheriff of Sofia, now Chattel of the new Prince. a.k.a Nikki
Charlotte Dunkle - German Elois Fledgling (Dresden)
Duff Dunscirn - Giovanni banker in Glasgow
Kyle Dunscirn - Giovanni money launderer in Scotland
Fenella Dunscirn - Giovanni Socialite in Glasgow
Dutch - Ancilla, Anarch and Brujah Primogen (New Orleans)
Marie-Helene Dutoit - Ventrue antitribu Ductus of the Fleur-de-Lys coven of Montreal


Emil na Pes - Nosferatu Primogen of Sofia
Enkidu - The Ancient Beast (Anathema)
Enrico - Sire of Paliuro Rustucci (Jerusalem)
Chelsea Etitameh - Kiasyd Humanist (New Orleans)
Ezmeralda the Gadfly - Sire of Madam Mina. Quebec City.


Fatima al-Faqadi - The Assamite Hand of Vengeance
Ferox - The Holy Hunter (Anathema)
Armin Fischov - Ventrue Tyrant of Lovech, Bulgaria
Fionnaghal - Nosferatu Elder of Glasgow
Lord of Flowers - Unaligned Elder Grand-Master Assassin & Assamite (presumably Warrior Caste)
Francach - Nosferatu of Glasgow
Frédéric le Parisien - Toreador elder of Glasgow
Luitger Fürst - German Elois Neonate (Dresden)


Gabor the Bulgar - First and Last Tzimisce Prince of Sofia. Once masqueraded as Vullo the Huntsman.
Orianne Gagnon - Tzimisce childe of Marie-Anje Gagnon and a member of the Fleur-de-Lys coven of Montreal
Salvador Garcia - (Los Angeles)
General - Public Face of the Phoenix Society
Genina - The Red Poet (Anathema)
Germaine - Anarch Exemplar (Anathema)
Ghede - Follower of Set (Haiti)
Giangaleazzo - Prince of Milan (Italy)
Brother Gilles - Ventrue Seneschal of Glasgow
Bronius Gintaras - Ventrue Childe of Brian O'Reilly
Augustus Giovanni - Progenitor of Clan Giovanni (Venice)
Calogero Giovanni - Ambassador to Sofia
Stefanie Gray - Ventrue of London in exile
Goeffrey, Childe of Boukephos
Gottlieb Groos - German Elois Neonate (Dresden)
Anastas Grozdan - Malkavian Ancilla Investigator, Primogen of Sofia, Bulgaria
Fiacre Guérin - Ventrue antitribu childe of Marie-Helene Dutoit and a member of the Fleur-de-Lys coven of Montreal
Madame Guil - Clan Toreador (Re-elected in 2011)


Adeline Haase - German Elois Neonate (Dresden)
Professor Gregory Habersohn - Brujah Progeny of Sir Ralph Hamilton
Dr.Tremen Hall
Sir Ralph Hamilton - Brujah Communist
Count Haralambi - Old Clan Tzimisce
Teasag Henerson - Brujah of Glasgow
Qufur Am-Heru - Follower of Set and personal Champion of Set
Hex - Nosferatu Cyber-terrorist Mercenary
Kathleen Horsburgh - Tremere Regent of Glasgow


Isho the Terrible - Tzimisce Childe of the Counter of Bones, Veliko Tarnovo Province
Iontius - Debauched Legendary Toreador Ancient


Smiling Jack - Brujah Autarkis (Los Angeles)
Vidal Jarbeaux - Toreador Ancilla and Appointed Archon
Count Jocalo - Agent Provocateur for the Followers of Set
Juggler - Brujah Anarch Leader (Gary, Indiana)


Karsh - Warlord of the Camarilla
Count Kaloyan - Old Clan Tzimisce
Eddie Karnotski - Stickman
Anselm Kaube - Elder Ventrue Prince of Chemnitz, Germany
Kemintiri - (The Anathema)
Vladan Kladivo - Czech Elois and Ancilla Warrior (Dresden)
Father Kliment - Saintly Leper of the Blind - Nosferatu of Sofia
Mareike Kneller - Toreador Ancilla of West Berlin
Irmingard Kopp - Ventrue Neonate of West Berlin
Ricar Yakiv Kulish - Old Clan Tzimisce Childe of Marius Egnatius, Sliven Bulgaria.


Queen Lada - Tzimisce Ruler of Vrasta, Bulgaria
Layla - Transvestite Entertainer in Sofia
Robin Leeland - Brujah Anarch Legend
Stephen Lenoir - Guide to London - Lasombra Antitribu Elder of London
Mama Lion - Brujah Anarch & Sire of Smiling Jack
Raina Lom - Ventrue Keeper of Elysium, Sofia
Lucinde - Clan Ventrue (Re-elected in 2011)
Lucius - Lasombra Prince (Palermo)
Lord Ludwig - Tremere Lord of Pleven, Bulgaria


Brenda Maier - Naga Raja Neonate (Rio de Janeiro) PC
Jason Maier - Assamite Vizier Neonate (Rio de Janeiro) PC
Valerius Maior - Tremere Taitor & Sabbat Turncoat (Anathema)
Bridget Mac Amhlaidh - Gangrel of Glasgow
Seonag Hardie Mac Innis - Brujah of Glasgow
Osgur Mac Leod - Malkavian of Glasgow
Jeremy MacNeil - Brujah Elder & Autarkis (Los Angeles)
Cellach MacTaggart - Brujah Sheriff of Glasgow
Beathag Magoon - Ventrue of Glasgow
Maria - Elder Tzimisce Voivode of Wrocław, Poland
Petar Marinov - Malkavian Itenerate, Pazardzhik Bulgaria
Boris Melor - Former Brujah Primogen of Sofia, Bolshevik sympathizer
Cyril Masters - Ventrue elder of London in exile
Mikhail - Nosferatu Harpy and Middleman in Sofia (deceased?)
Madame Mina (Мадаме Мина) - Ravnos Vadoma (Sofia, Bulgaria and Quebec City, Quebec)
Mircea - Tzimisce Childe and lover of Volos. Montana, Bulgaria
Baron Mladen - Old Clan Tzimisce, ruler of Nova Zagora, Bulgaria
Montano - Ancient Leader of the Lasombra Antitribu (Sicily)
Marcus Musa - Giovanni Anziani and ancient resident of Istanbul


Narses - Lasombra Archbishop of Nod (deceased)
Alejandro‭ ‬De Navarre
Naxos - Tzimisce Childe of Queen Lada, Vrasta Bulgaria
Lyric Nelson - Ventrue of London in exile
Bishop Nikita - Tzimisce Bishop of the Cainite Heresy, Sofia
Nistor the Sly - Tzimisce Childe of Volos. Montana, Bulgaria
Erin Noah (Ерин Ноах)


Storie Ogilvie - Brujah of Glasgow
Baron Ognyan - Ruler of Pzardzhik, Bulgaria
Brian O'Reilly - Ventrue Prince (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Count Ormonde - Setite Wastrel
Hiltrude Ott - German Elois Neonate and Technocrat


Juliet Parr - Malkavian Sheriff of London in exile
Palanka - Brujah defender of Lom, Bulgaria
Jaroslav Pascek - Justicar of Clan Brujah (Re-elected in 2011)
Gavriil Papadopoulos - Assamite Bodyguard, Sofia
Petaniqua - The Ancient Malkavian Queen (Anathema)
Elieser de Polanco



Rabbat - Noferatu Plague-bearer (Anathema)
Ilyana Ravidovich - Ventrue Archon assigned to Sofia
James the Red - Sire of Jeremy MacNeil
Robert the Lowlander - Gangrel Scourge of Glasgow
Gharston Roland - Ravnos antitribu of the Lost Angels Pack of Montreal
Hesha al-Ruhadze - Setite Archeologist


Jeremy Sanderson - Yan Syrkov
Samuel Scott - Ventrue of London in exile
Ulrich Pankraz Senft - Tremere Ancilla Apprentice of the Magdeburg Chantry, Germany
Dr. Takuya Shiraiwa - Progeny of Leonid Barofsky
Signý - Former Gangrel Scourge, Sofia
Evangeliya Stanicoff - Ventrue Patron of Sevlievo, Bulgaria
Ioan Stanicoff - Toreador Prince of Sevlievo, Bulgaria
Kyle Strathcona -- Cardinal of Canada and New France
Tobias Smith - Archbishop of Montreal
Sukhbataar - Elder Assamite of Sofia
Sybil - Ancient Lasombra Antitribu
Durga Syn


Liza Taft - Caitiff Seer, Sofia
Ludovico Tamboia - Ravnos antitribu childe of Gharston Roland and a member of the Lost Angels Pack of Montreal
Tariq - Assamite Hero in Exile (Anathema)
Benedikt Tresler - German Elois Neonate (Dresden)
Alexsandrina Trifonov - Toreador Harpy of Sofia - now chattel of the new Prince.
Triglav - Tzimisce Methuselah, Sofia


Ur-Shulgi - The Shepherd
Sir Mariot D'Urban - Historian & Scholar


Josefina Valez - Lasombra childe of Tobias Smith and member of the Lost Angels Pack of Montreal
Valko - Gangrel Priest of Sylvanus, Sofia
Don Alonzo De Vargas - Lasombra Antitribu Elder of Denver
Verbruch - Gargoyle Guardian of the Five Boroughs Chantry (New York)
Violette - Tzimisce Technophile, ruler of Targovishte, Bulgaria
Countess Andrea Visconti
Vladimira Rada - Tzimisce Ambassador to Sofia
Volos - Tzimisce Despot of Montana, Bulgaria
Dr. Dietmar Vogel - German Elois and Neonate Academic (Dresden)


Naomhan Walpole - Ventrue of Glasgow
Countess Klara Wehunt - Elois Elder and former Prince of Dresden. Declared Anathema, now deceased.
Liane Wernher - Elder Toreador Prince of Leipzig, Germany
Malcolm Wallace - Brujah Prince of Glasgow
Mary Wyncott - Ventrue Humanist, Denver
Parsifal Wildgrube - Ventrue Neonate of East Berlin



Baron Yasen - Old Clan Tzimisce


Zahari - Nosferatu Enforcer, Childe of Emil na Pes, Sofia
Oliver Zelenka - Former Prince of Dresden (Deceased)
Blagoy Zhivkov - Old Clan Tzimisce & Necromancer (Torpor in Gabrovo-Grad)
Bruce Edward Zieger - Lasombra Antitribu Mercenary to the Camarilla
Zorka - Brujah non-conformist of Sofia
Sara Zuraw - Polish Elois Ancilla and Neo-Nazi (Dresden)