Bronius Gintaras

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Brian O'Reilly's Childer / Yorkshire / Richmond of North Yorkshire / York -x- Daumentas Skuodzius

Ventrue Bronius Gintaras.jpg

Sobriquet: Brawny (in London), The Archon's Shadow (behind his back), The Creep (again behind his back, from those who know of his feeding needs).

Appearance: Bronius is of average hight, about 6 feet tall, of moderate build, about 160 pounds on an wiry athletic frame. His eyes and hair are dark, and while normally of a pale complexion, he tans quite well. In terms of looks, Bronius is quite plain and forgettable, which is how he prefers it. He usually wears a couple days worth of heavy stubble and his hair is worn longer than most of his military minded associates, but is still conservative being cropped at the collar. He prefers plain, everyday, off-the-rack clothing so as to blend in with the society around him and he has never been accused of being a fashion plate. He has the uncanny knack for fading into the foreground, despite remaining in plain sight. When allowed to step into dim lighting or near dark, he is a ghost.

Behavior: Bronius is a man of quiet conviction and quick thinking. He doesn't spend much time on long thought out strategies, though he is a brilliant tactician and has the capacity to look several steps ahead of the current moment to see where events are headed. It was this quality that endeared him to his employer in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2013 when a mad vampire tried to deliberately breach the Masquerade; Bronius' response was to convincingly and proudly take credit for the Malkavian's deeds, thereby ensuring the secrecy of the Blood. Bronius is extremely alert and fast to react to changing circumstances. As a leader he tends to rely on his reputation and personal charm, and he can be quite charming when he wants to be. Since his Embrace, he has carried the deaths of his fallen squad as a personal badge of failure and spends a significant amount of time ensuring the safety of his troops and charges. Recently he has quietly developed a morbid streak, probably due to his midnight studies in necromancy. He is loyal to all those who serve his sire, but would sacrifice them all to protect Brian, including himself.

History: Circa 2016. Recently promoted to Captain after the death and embrace of the previous captain. He is the only one of O'Reilly's retainers that will be embraced upon death.

In October of 2022, Captain Bronius led his domitor's men into an ambush carried out by the Sabbat Librarians coven. He and his entire fire-team died as a result, but Bronius was blessed with the level 4 thaumaturgic ritual - The Curse Belated for his quick thinking and selfless sacrifice during a struggle against a suicidal Malkavian in Sofia in the year 2012. As a result, he awoke alone from his first-death and suffered his first frenzy as he began to feed on the corpses of his fallen fire-team. When he finally recovered, he realized what had happened, but took the time to bury his fallen comrades and then contact his sire.

As he may only feed from corpses, Bronius' interest in Necromancy is obvious, even as he is emotionally repulsed by it. Still, the example provided by his sire excites him, and he has begun to show a modicum of proficiency with the Sepulchre path.

In 2028, Bronius accompanied Brian O'Reilly to Glasgow as a bodyguard and aide-de-camp. Secretly, he is excited by this, as it is his change to finally step out of the shadow of his elder sibling Aras Valderamas, who has remained in Quebec to look after their sire's affairs.

In 2031, at his Sire's instruction, he embraced his successor to the position of chief of Brian O'Reilly's mortal security, Daumentas Skuodzius.

Recent Events: In 2032, with the Sabbat of Yorkshire on the run or dead, Bronius was given the city of Richmond of North Yorkshire to look after in his sire's name; he decided to take his childe Daumentas with him to their new home. The town of Richmond.