Count Kaloyan

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Ordo Dracul / Bulgaria

Count Kaloyan Krum Knight Lieutenant of the Ordo Dracul and Master of ...
9th Generation Old Clan Tzimisce, embraced in 1891
Nickname: Beautiful John
Domain: Description: Kaloyan seems too beautiful to be true and to inhuman to be possible. His movements are precise, with a dancer's grace, and his seductions are legendary. He speaks with an undefinable accent, conversing on a wide variety of esoteric subjects and seemingly genuinely interested in his companion's needs... and utterly cold to anything else.
He stands an erect 1.9 meters, crowned by a well maintained raven black coif. Grey eyes seem to look into the souls of his companions.
Notes: Kaloyan's past is unknown to almost everyone because it is utterly secret. He was born in an anonymous carpathian village sometime in the 17th century, and kidnapped at birth by an Enrathi - a member of a ghoul family that serves the Tal'Ma'Reh. He was raised among Vampires by Wraiths in the dark realm of Enoch. In short, he is a chatterling.
After many decades of service in Enoch, Kaloyan was brought to Earth to serve the hand. After another century as a ghoul, he was embraced as a reward for his dedicated service. After only a year, he was released by his sire, and entered fosterage and training with Prince Chavdar himself. His unlife has progressed like clockwork, and he was a natural to fill the role of Knight Lieutenant when the previous holder of the position was driven irrevocably insane.
In combat, Kaloyan tends to fight defensively, using his disciplines to create confusion and destroy the ranks of his enemies, often splitting his mental action as many as three ways.

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Kaloyan's Character Sheet