Ordo Dracul

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Arrayed by Sect -x- Eastern Europe -x- Southern Court

Title: Ordo Drakul (lat. Societas Draconistrarum, hun. Sárkány Lovagrend, ger. der Drachenorden, cro. Zmajev red, rom. Ordinul Dragonului, ser. Ред Змаја / Red Zmaja)

History: The Ordo Dracul was founded by the Pope on December 12th, 1408 to push back the enemies of Christendom (the Ottoman Empire, which was on the precipice of conquering the remnants of the Byzantine Empire, and taking Constantinople itself on its way to invading Europe. Though they were successful, through the person of Vlad the Impaler, in eventually halting the Turks' expansion, the Order never achieved the prominence that other Knightly Orders (most notably The Templars, Hospitlars, or Teutonic Knights) achieved. By the end of the 16th century, the order had faded away from mortal affairs, leaving only its undead members to carry its legacy.

Over the centuries, it has changed somewhat in character, and much more greatly in purpose. During the 18th century, its last non-Old Clan Tzimisce member fell in combat, and the remaining Knightly Lords voted unanimously to restrict its membership to their own bloodline. It has become allied with the Southern Courts, and boasts that (for the right price) it is the best line of defense the Courts have to offer against other sects, marauding Lupines, or any other threat the alliance might face.

On December 12th, 2008, the Ordo Dracul will celebrate its Foundation Jubilee (December 12th, 2008). This celebration presumably includes a great number of solemn private rituals, as well as a celebration open to all Old Clan Tzimisce.

Symbol: A Red Equal Armed Cross overlaid with a Black Oroboros on a field of white. In the modern era, heraldry has fallen out of use, but the members each design their own device, with the Order's device taking a prominent position.

Current Membership

  • -- Prince Chavdar - Prince of Sliven, and Marshal General of the Ordo Dracul (Leader or dignitary)
  • -- Duke Damyan - Lord of Kumakovo and Knight Marshal of the Ordo Dracul (The tamer) – gifted with Animalism
  • -- Count Haralambi - Lord of ... and Knight Lieutenant of the Ordo Dracul (the cheerful) -
  • -- Count Kaloyan - Lord of ... and Knight Lieutenant of the Ordo Dracul (Beautiful John) – noted for his beauty and use of Presence
  • -- Baron Mladen - Master of Nova Zagora, and Knight of the Ordo Dracul (the youthful) – both young in appearance and years
  • -- Baron Ognyan - Ruler of Pazardzhik, and Knight of the Ordo Dracul (fiery) – red headed and given to a nasty temper
  • -- Baron Yasen - Lord of ... and Knight of the Ordo Dracul (ash tree) – A spear wielding warrior with potent blood
  • -- Ricar Yakiv Kulish - First Son of Prince Marius Egnatius (Squire of the Ordo Dracul) - A childe of the modern age.
  • -- Lady Blagorodina - Koldun and Associate of the Ordo Dracul Childe and consort of the late Baron Zdravko.