Extraho Ritae

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Ordo Dracul

The Ordo draws deeply from its roots as a medieval chivalric society. Vampiricly, it draws heavily on the rituals and traditions of Clan Tzimisce, some of which, like the valdurie, have been stolen and corrupted by the Sabbat.

Mission: The Ordo Dracul is dedicated to wiping out Vicissitude. Even a dozen well trained warriors have no hope of destroying the rest of clan Tzimisce, along with all of the other vampires they have infected throughout the Sabbat, so they take a longer view: They attack the roots of the infection in the form of the elders and ancients who cannot be easily replaced, and keep a vigilant eye out for instances of the infection's spread beyond its traditional vampiric hosts.

Structure: (The title of Knight is usually cumulative. Thus, when speaking of the "Knights of the Ordo Dracul," the speaker usually means all those members who have achieved knighthood, up to the Marshal General himself.)

The Magesterium: The ancient spiritual guides of the Ordo. All members of this council are dead, but the Knights of the order pay homage to their memory and wisdom whenever they come together.
One member of the Magesterium remains. He acts through Prince Chavdar and the Ordo, and hides his existence from the world. Only Chavdar and Damyan know this.

The Marshal General: Prince Chavdar Commands the Ordo and holds the respect of the entire group. Tradition and the laws of the Order dictate that he not risk himself personally except in matters that involve the central mission of the order, or when the order itself is under attack. The Marshal General and the Knight Marshal must never take part in the same battle, unless there is no other choice.

The Knight Marshal: Duke Damyan leads the Ordo into battle, and provides the Marshal General with tactical and strategic advice.

The Knight Lieutenants: Count Haralambi and Count Kaloyan hold their position by the acclamation of their peers. They are veterans of several major campaigns. The Marshal General decides when a new Lieutenant should be appointed, but traditionally there are no less than two, and no more than half the number of Knights.

The Knights: Baron Ognyan, Baron Yasen and Baron Mladen currently form the rank and file of the Ordo. They are expected to be competent, and self reliant, able to make their ways in Vampiric society without the aid of their peers or the order. In addition, they are considered expendable in the right circumstances. While the Ordo is extremely conservative and unwilling to unnecessarily risk its few members, these are its foot soldiers.
In order to become a Knight, a Squire must have proven himself competent in much more than simply the arts of war. He must be well spoken, well educated, and able to navigate the perils of Elyssium, Sabbat Ritae, and gatherings of the League of Ordea and the Southern Court. Once the sponsoring Knight deems a candidate worthy, he undergoes a ritualized trial that tests his ability under a variety of circumstances. If a candidate fails, it is considered a great dishonor to his sponsor, so sponsors are well advised to be conservative and hold their charges until they are absolutely sure the squire will succeed. However, no dishonor accrues to a failed squire: He was simply rushed to the trial before he was ready. The squire is reassigned to another sponsor - one of greater rank, where he will be re-trained for a period of no less than ten years.

Though it is possible to pass through luck, minimum stats are usually: Str (Including potence) 6, Dexterity 4, Perception 3, Wits 4, Melee 4, Dodge 3, Brawl (or martial arts) 3, (Firearms are taught, but the Order has not yet decided what level of skill is required), Etiquette 3, Academics 3, Vampire lore 3, Tzimisce Lore 4, Expression 3, Leadership 2, Alertness 4, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 3, Animal Ken 3, Ride 3, Crafts 2 (emphasis is on maintenance of weaponry, but some type of artistry is encouraged as well), Security 2, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Finance 1, Investigation 2, Law 2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Auspex 4, Animalism 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 3, Celerity 3, (Potence is encouraged, but unmeasurable separately from strength), Willpower 6, Courage 4, Conviction (or conscience) 3, Self Control (or instinct) 3, Path rating of at least 4 in a path that emphasizes personal honor and values warrior attributes), and be able to read, write, and converse intelligently in Slavonic, Latin, and at least two other languages.

The Squires: Squires serve their sponsor Knights in battle, as well as around their homes. Their training emphasizes practical ability, and they accompany their sponsors almost everywhere in order to better learn from them. Though they are expected to speak to their betters only when spoken to, they are allowed more freedom than paiges, and are allowed into reasonably safe situations on their own. If they find themselves in a combat situation, they are expected to fight defensively, and provide backup for their sponsors only. A squire who attempts, even successfully, heroics will be publicly reprimanded by the leadership of the order, and his eventual trial is likely to be that much more difficult. A squire who betrays his sponsor or the Ordo is hunted down and captured, and ritually executed before the assembled knights. Squires are allowed a single mortal servant to help them carry out their duties, which may require attention during the day.

In order to become a squire, a Paige must undergo a trial that tests his education and endurance, proving that he has learned the basics that will help him on the road to becoming a knight. Most squires serve in that role for at least ten years before allowed to test for knighthood.

The minimum requirements to become a squire are usually: Strength 4 (including potence), Stamina 3, Perception 3, Wits 3, Melee 2, Dodge 2, Brawl 2, Etiquette 2, Academics 1, Vampire lore 2, Tzimisce lore 2, Expression 1, Alertness 2, Subterfuge 1, Animal Ken 2, Ride 1, Crafts 1, Security 1, stealth 1, Survival 2, Investigation 1, Occult 1, Auspex 2, Animalism 2, Dominate 1, Fortitude 1, Celerity 1, Willpower 4, Courage 3, Conviction 2, Self Control 4, be on an acceptable path, and have made reasonable progress in learning the required languages.

The Paiges: In medieval society, Paiges were children of gentle birth who were fostered with noble families. They exchanged years of service for training in the noble arts of etiquette and war. In the Ordo, most Paiges are already accomplished fighters, either as mortals or as vampiric brawlers. They come to the Ordo with a great deal of confidence in their own abilities, and no lack of arrogance.
Paiges must first, therefore, learn humility. The Ordo Dracul is not a training ground for vampiric mercenaries: recruits are indoctrinated and trained to think before acting. They are treated as ignorant children, and required to do menial tasks designed to increase their endurance and patience, as well as their physical strength - though they are limited to rudimentary training with weapons and then only under strict supervision. They take care of their sponsor's animals, deliver his messages, and do whatever other drudge work the sponsor thinks is within the limited abilities of a paige. Physical punishment is frequently employed when the paige lapses, as it is considered the only form of punishment a creature of limited intellect and experience can understand. If he can endure this level of humiliation, he will be subtly tested several times for signs of false pride, before finally being allowed to undergo a formal trial to become a Squire. A paige who decides to quit, or reveals his master's secrets will be hunted down and destroyed. Paiges are not allowed to have servants and ghouls, or even their own herds. A paige who in any way presumes to have any personal authority or abuses the authority of his master is severely punished. He is allowed to fight only in defense of his master or his master's haven, and in such a case, his sponsor looses status in the eyes of his fellows.
Once, upon elevation to the status of Squire, a paige was given one opportunity to leave. If he chose to, he would undergo a sorcerous ritual in which all damaging memories were removed, and sent on his way, warned never to come too close to the Ordo or its activities. It has been over half a millennium since that option was taken, and the knights can only speculate on what might be done.