Duke Damyan

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Ordo Dracul / Southern Court / Southern Europe

Duke Damyan Knight Marshal of the Ordo Dracul
Old clan Tzimisce, embraced in the mid 18th century
Pet Name: The Tamer
Domain: Kumanovo - Republic of Macedonia
Description:The Tamer is a massive man, seemingly more at home with the beasts than with society. Those who mistake his lack of polish for weakness quickly discover their error.
Notes:Duke Damyan is lord of Kumanovo Macedonia. Visitors are rarely welcome in his domain, the more so because of regular Sabbat incursions since the fall of the iron curtain. Those who have faced his legions of warrior wildlife might be surprised to discover that he has much more powerful allies to call upon in need: He exerts extensive influence over factions of the Macedonian Mafia, and is Knight Marshal of the Ordo Dracul, and capable of mustering a small vampiric army in a matter of nights.

Among the Southern Courts, he attends gatherings once every few years. It is surprising how many owe him small favors. In his role as Knight Marshal, he sees to the continued training and readiness of his subordinates. He leaves matters of grand strategy to Prince Chavdar, concentrating on the tactics of the moment. When the Ordo Dracul goes to war, it is usually he who leads them into battle.

Damyan is a massive being, over six feet tall, and nearly as wide as a bear. His appearance is marred by the many scars he has taken in battle. When he desires, he can "clean up," and make a respectable impression on other members of the Southern Courts, and similar dignitaries.

Damyan oversaw the training of Baron Ognyan. His only other Vampiric tie is to Lady Blagorodina, his grandchilde.

    • For the sake of the game, Don't access NPC's Character sheets unless you have to! **

Damyan's Character Sheet