Gavriil Papadopoulos

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Sofia-Grad -x- Assamite

Sobriquet: Either no one has come up with one, or no one was stupid enough to use it in public.
Appearance: Gavriil is short, he is about five feet tall. He has the stocky body of a professional bodybuilder and is almost as wide as he is tall. He has the black curly hair of the Greeks and is a hair-suit man with the swarthy tan of a professional sailor. He is a blocky, barrel chested man with short stocky legs and he regularly surprises those he confronts with the silence in which he moves or the blinding speed of his reflexes. He tends to wear loose, comfortable clothing that won't inhibit his freedom of movement; he is fond of browns and grays that allow him to fade into the background of Fakulteta, though occasionally when he wants to blend with the Rom, he wears the outrageously bright clothing for which they are known.
Background: A Greek Christian Cypriot who fought in the Cyprus Regiment for the British Empire. As a Humanist and a Nodist, Gavriil was ideal to look after the mortal child of Madame Mina. With the revelation of the Fall of Istanbul, he volunteered to aid in the defense of Sofia against his blood thirsty brethren; though some question whether he can be trusted. Currently, he spends one night of the week drilling the Kindred volunteers in combat techniques and self-defense.
Personality: Gavriil is a man of few words, when he does speak, it is after careful deliberation as if he were hand picking each word for its meaning. Thus he is usually taken for slow or just soft-spoken, he is neither, rather he is a man of action rather than words and never speaks unless he has something significant to say. He can sit for several nights in a row without speaking, even though there are people all around him and he can convey a great deal with body language and eye contact. He is an advocate of keeping one's eyes and ears open and the lips closed; this philosophy has colored all his interactions with both mortals and Kindred, but he has supernatural patience with the endless prattle of his adolescent charge and the constant chatter of the Gypsies.
Recent Events: The fall of Istanbul to Banu Haqim loyalists and the deepening unrest building up in Greece over the escalating economic crisis has overflowed across the Bulgarian border and into the streets of the capital. Though the Greeks originally blamed their own government and the EU leadership, their anger at being marginalized and blamed for the larger issues tearing the European Union apart has begun to create fear and paranoia in Bulgarian society. Unfortunately, when times are tough, people look for scapegoats to blame their problems on and the Rom of Fakulteta are the easiest targets. Now Gavriil must decide where his loyalties really lie. A mortal lifetime separates him from the man he once was, his hatred of the Turks has begun to fade and so has his sympathies with the Cypriot and Greek peoples. Of the last seventy-five years, those that have made him feel the most 'alive' have been spent with the Roma people, to his surprise, he feels their pain keenly, especially as their fortunes seem to have finally turned for the better. The rising incidents of violence against the Gypsies has forced Gavriil to re-evaluate his mission from the protection of one Roma boy, to the protection of all the Rom of Fakulteta. Gavriil can hear the dogs of war howling and he knows what that means for the Gypsies; what he is unsure of is whether the coming storm will break them or set them free. Either way, he is ready for the fight to come and has stepped up his patrols of Fakulteta.

Yoska -- Gavriil's mortal ward and Madame Mina's roma son.

Gavriil's Statistics -- For the Storyteller's Eyes Only!