Fenella Dunscirn

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Glasgow / Giovanni

Appearance: Fennella Dusncirn is a waifish beauty with hair more red than nature ever provided. Her emerald green eyes and designer dresses are a fixture in Glasgow's more expensive clubs. She stands 5'7" in heels.

Background: Most would dismiss "party girl" as an unworthy pursuit for a serious child of Caine. What Fenella discovers from the children of the rich and powerful justifies her pursuit, if one is needed. Everyone knows Fenella: She goes to all the best parties, and knows all the best people, and has all the right toys.

Fenella rarely attends the parties thrown by Kindred. What works amongh post-adolescent mortals is often seen as tacky and over-the-top among more mature undead.

Influence: Though Fenella has no official domain in Glasgow, she is capable of achieving a surprising amount through her "friends," and the occasional blackmail.

Fenella Dunscirn's Stats