Liza Taft

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Sofia-Grad + Cairo

Sobriquet: The Oracle.

Appearance: Liza used to epitomizes the stereotypical London East-Ender. She dressed in loud fashions, and concealed her genuine beauty behind slathered on makeup. But, over the last few years, the City of Wisdom has begun to work its magic on her, washing away the cheap cosmetics and goth attire to reveal the genuinely beautiful immortal beneath all the artifice. The changes in her appearance are more than skin deep and Liza's true potential is beginning to shine through.

Background: Liza brought her small brood of Caitiff to Sofia from London, in search of an infant Dhampyr (1/2 vampire, 1/2 mortal) who's blood she had prophesied could make them mortal again. She seemingly suffers from epilepsy, and her seizures are usually followed by prophecies of which she is only peripherally aware.

Shortly after becoming a vampire, she sired her brother, now known as Father Adam. The pair met the hulking pacifist Axel Joss in Berlin before moving on to Sofia. The death of Axel Joss made both Liza and Adam realize that being vampire, doesn't necessarily mean immunity to death.

Liza has had more than her share of personal trials and tribulations, but she has made a fair go of it and she seems to be emerging from her neonate period with surprising grace and speed. She has opened an exclusive business in Poduyane specializing in her unique mentalist abilities; business has been slow, but is picking up as her reputation for success spreads by word of mouth. She provides self help advice, diplomatic services and the occasional vision to the Poduyane locals as a form of social responsibility and personal restitution for a mortal life of crime.

Personality: Liza is a very easy person to talk to and has a gift for listening to people talk about their problems. She isn't judgmental, regardless of what her 'client' has to confess or discuss. This trait and the ability to keep any secret to herself, has given her a sterling character in the eyes of those who come to seek her aid and in the common people of her neighborhood.

On a deeper level, Liza seems to care about the welfare of everyone she meets, especially those who seek her out for aid. This quality is hard on her friends and family, because she shares of herself equally with strangers and close companions. Her genuinely unconditional love has sparked unconscious recognition of her divinity in those she meets and she is often compared to Mother Teresa and the more recent Saints of Eastern Orthodox Christianity - ironically, Liza isn't the least bit religious and epitomizes the promiscuous, self-reliant young women of the late 1980's.

Current Events: Liza has spent the last few years avoiding the limelight, unbeknownst to most, she is the unspoken leader of the Suicide Girls. She has watched Kamiko Tanaka's slow decline and it horrifies her. She has recently reached out to Yan Syrkov (Jeremy Sanderson) as the friend of Miko's old flame - Marius, in the hopes that he can somehow intervene or get Marius to do so. Liza's latest vision's tell her that Miko doesn't have much time.

Liza's Statistics