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Sobriquet: Suicide-Girl: mostly for her well remembered and thoroughly botched presentation in Elysium and because a number of the younger Kindred fancy her Gothic-Punk attitude and style. The epithet has stuck and has been adopted by all three of the young ladies of the coterie of Pudyane.

Appearance: Apparent age – late teens. This fledgling is as pale as any Goth, sports a collection of tattoos that would make any Bulgarian Mafioso proud and keeps her head shaved as a sign of her liberation from masculine repression.

Background: Her origins remain vague (she claims to be a citizen of the World), but her accent suggests she is from northern Bulgaria, probably Montana or Vratsa. Primogen Borisko took responsibility for her despite her near hysterical tirade in Elysium against him and the Viceroy for enslaving her against her will. Her final words on the matter before she was physically dragged from Elysium by Kali (Borisko’s childe), was that Prince O’Reilly was nothing more than a sadomasochistic pimp and Borisko his flaccid misogynistic pet pedophile. Neither Kali nor Zorka have been seen in Elysium since, but simple reminders of the event can still ruin Borisko’s evening.

Personality: Brazen, creative, loud mouthed, mean, vulgar - bitch. Unfortunately, all of the preceding terms apply well to Zorka. On the surface she is brash and tough, settling gang disputes with equal portions of threats and actual violence. She takes what she wants from those who aren't strong enough to keep it, but she stops short of life threatening violence and outright murder - probably because she sees her friend Miko deal it out so often and without batting an eyelash.

Below the surface, she really is angry, all the time. So much so, that she has started to accept her anger as her strength. As a mortal, she got the beat-down from her drunken mother, her abusive stepfather, her older brothers and sisters and just about everyone else in her old village. Now she has the power to fight back and she isn't taking shit from anyone, ever again. She might take a put down without flipping out one night, knowing she is going to get more than even later on. She can give as good as she gets and there are a lot of assholes in the big-city who have it coming to them. No one tells her what to do, no matter who they are, how old they are or what they call themselves, she does what she wants and she is strong enough to take the licks others hand out for her impudent and independent nature.

Current Events: Originally Zorka spent a fair amount of time learning the ropes from Kali, but the latter's killer-slut style just didn't jive with Zorka's personal sense of honor. She would never admit it, but over the last five years, she has come to like Borisko and to look up to him as a more sophisticated older brother and though she hasn't realized it yet, she is slowly falling in love with the idealistic Bolshevik. This doesn't mean she shares his naive view of the world, but she loves him for his desire to make the world a better place - if only she could be like that. The affection is returned, if not, in the same way - as Borisko truly sees Zorka as a younger sister. Zorka hasn't decided what, if anything, to do about this state of affairs, but she has been spending a lot of her time sparring with the older Brujah and a lot more than his combat style is starting to rub off on her of late.

Sadly, she has had a front row seat in Miko's theater of self-destruction and her friend's darkness has begun to eat her as well. To cope, she has turned to 'smack' for a little relief from all the emo-bullshit and pain. She cannot admit to herself, that regardless of how strong she is, that she still cannot help Miko. And it is this fact that has led to her addiction, while the horror of Miko's spiral into Oblivion continues to play out, Zorka is herself, oblivious to her own growing sickness. Luckily for her, Borisko can see what is happening and having been an addict himself once, he knows that Zorka needs someone to step in and show her where she is headed. He has begun to do so, not with a pious sense of superiority, but with a tenderness that no other vampire in Sofia could credit the Brujah Primogen.

Secrets Revealed: Recently, Yan Sirkov and his brother, the prince have discovered Zorka's little secret. In December of 2015, shortly after Kamiko Tanaka's death, the prince and his brother discover that Zorka is involved with the Underground Railroad an group that funnels high generation neonates and Caitiff to the safety of Cairo's Banu Zamalek. What the prince and his brother will do with this information is unknown, but it would be of interest to many in Sofia that the Underground Railroad ran right through the middle of Sofia.

Zorka's Statistics