Seonag Hardie Mac Innis

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Glasgow / Brujah

Seonag is the younger childe of Prince Malcolm Wallace of Glasgow. She is a true daughter of Scotland: A product of a small but violent faction fighting for independence from the monarchy in the 1960's. The government dismissed her movement as just another counter-cultural blip, but the Prince recognized her passion and its potential.

Today, Seonag is known in certain Glaswegian circles as an intellectual firebrand and a rabble-rouser. She is not often seen in Elysium: The occasion must be important, or her presence specifically requested by her sire or possibly the Seneschal. She passionately argues whatever cause may be on her mind, regardless of circumstance or personal cost. Otherwise, she is happy to become involved in any kind of discussion, so long as the participants are not acting like "Cretins," refusing to give up pre-conceived notions that don't agree with hers.

Appearance: Seonag is a larger-than-life figure, the effects of her residual presence swallowed up in the power of her personality. On second glance, many are surprised to realize that her hair is a mouse brown shoulder-length coif, not a fiery red corona. Her actual height is a similarly disappointing 5'5", and her light brown eyes have thus far failed to glow with their own internal light - or maybe that was Protean? Indeed, many of her acquaintances are more likely to recognize her dialogue than her photograph.

The Character Sheet of Seonag Hardie Mac Innis