Czere Ubireg's Statistics
Circa: 2042 C.E.
Last Modified:
Secrets: That Silvia Kliver (Cairo) has turned from the Tremere to the Followers of Set.
Haven: Old Wyvern Hall
Clan: Tremere
Arete: 2
Generation: 8th
Born: Official year 1969 (his actual year of birth was 2012)
Embrace: 2012
Sire: Professor Cipher
Periods of Torpor:
Nature: Magnate
Demeanor: Confidant
Essence: Primordial
Apparent Age: Early 60s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3 (baton twirling), Awareness 3, Brawl 5 (tae-kwon-do, kicks, neck-breaking), Carousing 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 4, Expression 4, Intimidation 4, Haggling 2 (boons), Leadership 2, Lucid Dreaming 3, Masquerade 2, Seduction 3, Streetwise 4, Style 2, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Art of Memory (Classical) 3, Blind-Fighting 2, Blood Preparation 2, Bribery 3, Crafts 3 (cars, quick-fixes), Drive 5 (evasive driving, tailing, high-speed), Escapology 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3 (pistols, shotguns), Gambling 1, Game Playing 3 (Chess), Larceny 3 (picking locks, hot-wiring cars), Legerdemain 3, Melee 2 (baton), Performance 4 (playing dumb), Stealth 3, Survival 3
Knowledges: Academics 3 (western civilization), Area Knowledge 3, Computer 2 (Net searches / hacking), Finance 1 (book-making), Investigation 2 (physical searches), Lore: Kindred - Followers of Set - 1 (temples), Law 3 (Miranda, police procedure), Linguistics 5 (Arabic, Bulgarian, English, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Romanii, Spanish, Turkish), Lore: Masks of Dii Consentes 3 (Mask of Apollo), Lore: Sabbat 2, Lore: Settite 2, Lore: Tremere 2, Lore: Tzmisce 2, Lore: Mage 2, Medicine 3 (first aid, forensic pathology), Occult 4 (arcane principles, vampires, wraiths), Politics 2, Research 2, Science 3, Theology 3 (Egyptian - Temple of Set), Wraith Lore 1
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex - V20 3, Celerity 1, Chimerstry 4, Dominate 4, Fortitude 2, Necromancy 4, Potence 3, Obfuscate 2, Presence 2, Serpentis 2, Thaumaturgy 3
Discipline Techniques: None
Advanced Disciplines: None
Necromancy Paths: Nigrimancy 4, Path of Haunting 3, The Path of Ashes 2, The Path of Bones 2, Path of Requiem 1
Thaumaturgy Paths: Blood 3 (primary path), Movement of the Mind 3, Elemental Mastery 2, Path of Chronos 1, Soul of the Serpent 1 (Seker Amon learned this from Silvia Kilver of Cairo
Spheres: Correspondence 2, Entropy 1, Life 2, Matter 1, Mind 2, Prime 2, Spirit 2, Time 1
Thaumaturgy Rituals:
Level 1
- -- 98.6 Degrees
- -- Alchemical Tattoo
- -- Awakening the Mask of Apollo -- This ritual was researched during the events that took place in London during the fall of 2043 (yet to be approved).
- -- Bind the Accusing Tongue
- -- Blood into Water
- -- Communicate with Kindred Sire
- -- Defense of the Sacred Haven
- -- Deflection of Wooden Doom *
- -- Devil's Touch
- -- Encrypt Missive
- -- Engaging the Vessel of Transference
- -- Evocation of the Taper / Quench the Tallow
- -- Flatline
- -- Imp's Affliction - {I learned this ritual to use it on Seth.}
- -- Impressive Visage *
- -- Learning the Mind Enslumbered
- -- Light of Yesterday's Sun
- -- Luminous Vitae
- -- Purify Blood
- -- Purity of Flesh
- -- Purge the Inner Demon
- -- Quare morietur?
- -- Rebirth of Mortal Vanity
- -- Rite of Introduction
- -- Sanguineous Phial
- -- Sense the Mystical
- -- The Scribe
- -- Wake with Evening's Freshness
- -- Widow's Spite - {I learned this ritual to use it on Seth.}
Level 2
- -- Blood Mead
- -- Blood Walk
- -- Craft Bloodstone
- -- Donning the Mask of Shadows
- -- Extinguish
- -- Imbue Thy Design
- -- Inscription -- {Learned in order to research Imbue Thy Design}
- -- Jinx - {I learned this ritual to use it on Seth.}
- -- Lassitude of Revelry
- -- Obscure the Malice
- -- Mourning Life Curse
- -- Preserve
- -- Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion
- -- Seal Egress
- -- The Open Passage
- -- Ward Vs Ghouls
Level 3
Necromancy Rituals
Level 1
- -- The Taste of the Grave -- Proposed Ritual
- -- Casting of Bones
- -- Circle of Cerberus
- -- Eldritch Beacon
- -- Final Sight
- -- Knowing Stone
- -- Minestradi Morte - {A ritual I would never even consider using. If my magic is dark, the Giovanni are just mentally ill.}
- -- Rape of Persephone - {A ritual I would never even consider using. If my magic is dark, the Giovanni are just mentally ill.}
- -- Revivify the Cold Vitae - {A great ritual, if you happen to be a vampire. If you are a mortal, its useless.}
- -- Ritual of The Smoking Mirror - {See: Jamie's attached notes}
Level 2
- -- Eyes of Despondent Revelation
- -- Eyes of the Grave
- -- Judgment of Rhadamanthus - {See: Jamie's attached notes}
- -- Kiss of Ages - {A cool ritual, but without adaptation, its actually dangerous to use for a mortal.}
- -- Part the Veil
- -- Puppet
- -- Skull of Warning
- -- The Ritual of Pochtli
- -- Two Centimes
- -- Unearth the Hidden Corpse
Level 3
- -- Divine Sign
- -- Drink of Styx's Waters
- -- Eyes of the Dead
- -- Fettered Minion
- -- Implacable Vigor
- -- Malediction of Fetid Veins
- -- Nightmare Drums
- -- Ritual of the Unearthed Fetter
- -- Tempesta Scudo
Level 4
- -- Bastone Diabolico
- -- Call upon the Shadow's Grace
- -- Drink of Lethe's Waters
- -- Mark of Despair
- -- Peek Past the Shroud
- -- Resurrection of Stirred Blood
- -- Veil that Bars Eternity
Allies 3 (USA expats), Alternate Identity 1 (Dr.Zhelyazko Zdravkov), Contacts 3 (EMTs), Generation: 5, Herd 0, Mentor 2 (Professor Cypher), Paris Secrets 2, Resources 3 (modest investments) 205000£, Status: 1
Clan Flaw
Tremere dependency on blood is even more pronounced than that of other Kindred. It takes only two draughts of another vampire’s blood for a Tremere to become blood bound instead of the normal three — the first drink counts as if the Tremere had taken two drinks. (For more information on the blood bond, see p. 286). The elders of the Clan are well aware of this, and seek to impart loyalty to the Clan by forcing all neonate Warlocks to drink of the (transubstantiated) blood of the seven Tremere elders soon after their Embrace.
Additional Flaws
Temporal Doppelganger (3pts supernatural)
Traumatic Amnesia (1 pt mental)
Iron Will - 5pt mental, Destined for Greatness - 5pts Supernatural (the final Doppelgänger), Discipline Prodigy (Thaumaturgy, 5 pts Supernatural), Blood Magic 5 point {Mortal Sorcerers - Only!}
Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Rating: 5 {Potent, Pulsing, Seething, Somber, Hungry}
Road of Humanity 6
9 (8)
10 (7)
0 damage
Vitae Infused Items
8 (Monopoly tokens)
- -- Randolf St. John -- I owe Randolf a boon for my part in the death of his childe: Panagoita Melina at the hands of Dr. Alastair Barneby as he tried to acquire the Mask of Apollo in late 2042.
Character Details
- -- Les Ambassadeurs Club & Casino membership (2042-2043)
- -- Antonov An-12bk -- a four-engined turboprop transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. It is the military version of the Antonov An-10 and has many variants. {Full Crew compliment: 2 pilots, flight engineer, navigator, radio operator}
- -- The Medallion of the False Face -- Bronze medallion created or discovered by John Dee that confuses cameras and video devices into seeing someone other than the wearer of the medallion. {A total of 6 are owned by Frederick Smythe}
- Czere's Album
- Czere Notebook
- Czere's Plans
- Imbued Ritual List
- Ubireg's Experience
- Notes on Natasha's Mutterings
- -- Vargo Zamtredia -- Scientist
- -- Sally Parker --