Lassitude of Revelry

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Level 2.

This ritual produces a heady drug that causes drowsiness and suggestive calm in mortals. Even magi are not immune, making this ritual a subtle weapon in the Massasa War. Cainites who feed from mortals under the effects of this drug feel comfortably relaxed, although the effect is not strong enough to result in actual intoxication.

System: The caster mixes at least one point of her vitae with wine and spices. One blood point is required for every five glasses of drugged wine the vampire wishes to create. This wine does not taste like blood and cannot instil the blood oath or transform mortals into ghouls. Instead, mortals who drink the brew must achieve three successes on a reflexive Stamina roll. The difficulty varies depending on how much wine the mortal drinks, from 6 for a deep swallow to 8 for a full glass or even 10 for larger quantities. Success means the character retains her wits, although additional rolls may be required if she drinks more drugged wine. A botch results in coma-like slumber for the remainder of the night, while a failure means the character is drugged for a number of hours equal to the glasses of wine she consumed. A drugged character cannot take any action unless her player makes a reflexive Willpower roll (difficulty 8). As stated, wine drugged by means of this ritual has no effect on vampires and most supernatural beings other than magi. Storytellers must decide how many "glasses" a given container holds, since there is no standard size for goblets, flagons and other vessels.

Note: In the modern nights the ritual is called Trima and used by the cult of Dionysus in their revels. This version has inconsequential differences from the version presented in Blood Magic, and is better written.