Lucid Dreaming

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Secondary Abilities

Classification: Talent
Description: For most people, dreams are something that happen to them that they are lucky even to remember. From choosing the subject matter of your dreams to altering their conditions, you have some degree of control over what happens when you are dreaming. This talent is useful in achieving insight into one's subconscious and gaining incredible details for stories. Because dreams gain special meaning and power in the Maya Realms, the talent also is useful for building status and reputation the Oneira lords and dream-spirits and weaving new dreams and realities to populate the dream world. Without magic to explore the Dream Realms, though, you will never know whether your dreams were merely self-restricted hallucinations or epic fantasies envied by the mightiest of Oneira.

  • Novice: You can eat heavy foods and watch strange movies to inspire your somatic sessions.
    • Practiced: You often dream about things that interest you.
      • Competent: The content of your dreams are open to change.
        • Expert: Your dream world is a continuing project.
          • Master: Do you ever wake up??

Possessed By: Oneiromancers, Dreamspeakers, Authors

Specialties: Specific Changes (such as adding one consistent component), Somnambulation, Nightmares