Fettered Minion

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Level III Rituals

Description: By mingling his blood with ashes from a destroyed Athanatos, a vampire with this ritual may imbue a loyal ghoul with necrotic power. the ghoul must be sworn to the caster through a full blood oath for this ritual to function.
System: The vampire creates a potion of vitae and ashes and feeds it to the ghoul. If the ritual fails, the blood nourishes the ghoul as normal vitae but otherwise has no effect. A botch renders the mixture highly toxic, inflicting one level of unsoakable aggravated damage per blood point of potion swallowed. Success transmutes the vitae into something more potent than Cainite blood. The vampire may transmute as many blood points of the potion as the number of successes rolled. While a ghoul retains any of the vitae tainted in this manner, she suffers the effects of the Visage of Death Flaw (see p. 203) but reduces all wound penalties by one die. If the ghoul spends or loses vitae, she loses tainted points first. Should the ghoul perish with tainted vitae in her veins, her corpse immediately rises as an Athanatos (Dark Ages: Vampire p. 312). The blood oath still binds the corpse, causing the monster to obey its creator to the best of its abilities and limited intelligence. Every evening, the corpse knight loses one of its tainted blood points. When it depletes its pool, it loses all animation (though it may be subsequently reanimated) through standard Cadaverous Animation powers.

Reference: PGHC p 201-202