Kiss of Ages

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Level II Rituals

Description: This clever adaptation of The Grave’s Decay disposes of leftover bodies even as a vampire feeds. A vampire enchanted with Kiss of Ages may drink a mortal dry and then release her body as it crumbles to ash. This ritual serves chiefly to aid in feeding. Unfortunately, the properties of the ritual make it nearly impossible to administer the Embrace without the aid of some tool or assistant to perform exsanguination.

System: The vampire mixes a handful of ashes or dust from a human corpse with a point of her own vitae and drinks the potion. The player makes the standard roll. On a botch, the ritual fails to transmute the ashes. The vampire regurgitates the paste along with one additional blood point for every 1 rolled. Success imbues the vampire’s bite with entropy until the next full moon. Should he bite an intact corpse, this withering energy flows into the body and rots it to dust over three turns. Such decay mirrors the effects of the power Destroy the Husk. The vampire delivers this magic once per success rolled and may not withhold the effect to save it for a later occasion. Upon the full moon, all remaining “charges” dissipate.

Reference: PGHC - Pages 198 - 199.