Movement of the Mind

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Thaumaturgy Paths

This path allows the Tremere who wields it to control the motion of objects and people. He or she can summon a sword from across the room, or even fly across a country in an evening. Of course, such things cannot move too quickly - this power is no catapult or longbow (meaning, its not mean to create projectiles). Objects do not move faster than the Cainite controlling them could. This does mean that weapons or shields can be used through Rego Motus, assuming that the thaumaturge has enough progress along the path to enable him to carry such things.


The player spends blood and rolls as normal, and the Tremere can control the object (or group of objects) for one turn for every success. If, however, the player rolls five (5) successes, the vampire can control it for the remainder of the scene. Conscious creatures can resist this control through force of will if they wish to do so. Both players roll Willpower, with a target of the opposing character's Willpower trait. Whoever achieves the most successes gets the result they desire from the contest.

The degree of mastery of the this path determines who much weight the thaumaturge can carry. If the player wants to make her character fly, she needs to have three dots in the path (even if the character weighs more than 200 pounds). To strike an opponent with a weapon that was animated that turn, the player simply uses the successes on the initial Willpower roll as if they were successes on a Melee roll. Damage is determined by the weapon, using the character's Rego Motus rating instead of the Strength trait. To strike with the weapon in subsequent turns, the player rolls Rego Motus + Melee to hit.

1) One pound (page through a book, sweep aside a light curtain)
2) 20 pounds (wield a dagger or light club, move a heavy book, open a door)
3) 200 pounds (the character can fly or has enough control to open a locked door)
4) 500 pounds (lift a loaded wagon, knock over a small tree)
5) 1000 pounds (lift an average horse, knock down part of a stone wall)


This path was updated to Dark Ages II standards in order to clarify the capacity of the path and to bring it into alignment with the higher quality systems of DA2. - B.E.Zieger