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Level 2.

This ritual concerns itself with using the blood of other Kindred to afflict them with various minor banes at the Thaumaturge's whim. Relying largely on the Principle of Identity {See Chapter Two), this ritual consumes the blood of the subject instead of the blood of the caster. The thaumaturge must have in his possession one point of his victim's blood, which vanishes once a sending is attempted. The horrors visited upon subjects as a result of this path (sic) have given the Tremere quite a reputation. Indeed, many Kindred have reasonably fears of allowing the Warlocks to harvest any of their precious vitae, as the powers of this ritual can attest. Most fearsome of all, a thaumaturge need not even be in her victim's company, so strong is the connection of identity. All the thaumaturge needs to do is sacrifice the subject's blood...

The thaumaturge briefly vexes his victim with bad luck, causing her to fail in a mundane task. This can cause everything from minor typographical errors to automobile accidents and everything in between, depending upon how the magus jinxes his mark.

System: The next roll a jinxed character makes automatically fails, regardless of the outcome. This does not cause a botch, just a simple failure. If applied to a contested or extended action, the roll simply yields no successes for the current turn - the victim may garner other successes on subsequent turns (provided the failure doesn't make all the difference...).