Temporal Doppelganger

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

Description: Time is a force of the natural world. When that force becomes unbalanced, whether through the natural course of events or through the instigation of a conscious intelligence, it must by definition have an equal and opposite effect else-when in creation. Those individuals who are thought to labor under this flaw, are known as "Temporal Doppelgangers" and are the balancing element in the temporal equation.

It is unknown whether some intelligence is responsible for their appearance in the flow of time or if like water, time seeks its own level and balances itself naturally. Temporal doppelgangers are the person that they appear to be, but not necessarily the person others expect them to be.

In other words, the temporal doppelganger is a perfect negative copy of someone who in some way altered the natural flow of history; the individual always possesses traits that are inimical to his counterpart and as the doppelganger moves through the flow of history, he or she re-balances history by thwarting her alter-ego knowingly or otherwise.

Ultimately, the doppelganger's destiny is to kill his or her temporal twin, thus become the only individual with that specific identity and thereby balancing the temporal forces that were originally unbalanced.

Temporal doppelgangers are not invincible or unstoppable, nor are they always successful. Rather they are nature's way of correcting an imbalance in history. There are legendary tales of doppelgangers from the dawn of history and doubtless they will continue to manifest as time and history require.

The temporal doppelganger need not be a victim of capricious history, for should the doppelganger discover the truth he or she may choose whether or not to fulfill history's agenda or to try and thwart it. Of course, many are the tales of those who discovered that they had been marked by history for a specific destiny, flailed against it only to discover, to their horror that they had thereby achieved the very thing they sought to avoid. But, those doppelgangers who become knowledgeable of their destiny and move towards that end rather than fight it, often achieve some measure of control over their fate.