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Character Creation -x- Abilities

Description: You know the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item’s relative worth to keeping up with currency exchange rates. This Knowledge can be in- valuable when brokering items, running numbers, or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels in Finance allow you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level.

• Student: You’ve taken a few business classes.
•• College: You have some practical experience and can keep your books fairly neat.
••• Masters: You’d make a fine stockbroker.
•••• Doctorate: Corporations follow your financial lead.
••••• Scholar: You could turn a $20 bill into a fortune.

Possessed by: Executives, Upper Class, Stockbrokers, Accountants, Fences, Drug Dealers, Smugglers

Specialties: Stock Market, Laundering, Appraisal, Foreign Currencies, Accounting, Fencing, Corporations, Federal Bailouts