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Disciplines / Discipline Techniques
“We have not journeyed all this way because we are made of sugar candy.”
Winston Churchill
Introduction to Fortitude

All vampires are more resistant to damage than mortals. some Cainite scholars believe that blood in the vessels of a human is what renders them so vulnerable to injury. The rapid loss of blood is very dangerous to them. By contrast, a Cainite has nearly absolute control over his blood, so he does not risk injury nearly as easily.

The vampire with Fortitude, however, gains immense resistance to damage, and even some measure of protection against those banes of a vampire's existence: Sunlight, fire and supernatural attacks. This ability is most commonly seen among the Cappadocians, who see it as a reflection of their affinity with the corpse, the Ventrue (re)born for the battlefield, and the Ravnos and Gangrel, who risk the sun's rays more often than most Cainites.

Fortitude can breed overconfidence and arrogance in its users. Legends speak of Methuselahs whose gifts of Fortitude vanished at the moment of their undoing, leaving them to the mercies of ravenous childer or the piercing sun.

Main Sequence

This Discipline grants the user increased protection against all forms of physical damage. Each dot of Fortitude adds one to the user's dice pool to soak bashing, lethal damage. Unlike normal Cainites - who cannot soak sunlight or other aggravated damage at all - Fortitude users can roll Stamina + Fortitude to soak damage from sunlight and fire. They roll Fortitude alone to soak other forms of aggravated damage, such as that imposed by holy ground or the claws of Lupines.

Fortitude reinforces the vampire's body in all ways. It helps soak any damage that results in injury.

Alternate Powers (1-5)

Like other Physical Disciplines, Fortitude can have no alternate powers below level 6.

Advanced Fortitude

When buying a new level of Fortitude, a character may purchase an additional die to soak with, as with level 1-5, or an advanced power related to supernatural toughness and endurance. While a character may possess any number of powers at any level he or she has access to, an additional soak die may only be purchased once per level: Thus, a vampire who wants a seventh die to soak damage caused by werewolf claws must purchase level 7 fortitude (and thus be of the 6th or better generation).

Level 6

Impenetrable Skin (Created by Brian)
Personal Armor (GC 90)
Ricochet - {A new power manifested by the Blood-Brother Angelo}
Sensory Shield (CG3 64-65)
Stand Against all Foes (PGHC 155)

Level 7

Armor of Kings (PGHC 155-156)
Curse the Laurel (CV3 76)
Martyr's Resilience (GC 117)
Resilient Mind (CG3 65-66)
Shared Strength (GC 156)

Level 8

Blessed Resilience (CC 41)
Elemental Stoicism (GC 117)
Eternal Vigilance (DAC 84)
Repair the Undead Flesh (PGHC 156)
Adamantine / King of the Mountain (GC 156)

Level 9

Arm of Prometheus (PGHC 156)

Proposed Fortitude Powers
Armor of the Celts - Proposed by Brian
