Eternal Vigilance

From The World Is A Vampire
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Fortitude 8

Though vampiric legends disagree on a number of points, almost all support the theory that the undead must take rest each day from dawn until sunset. Even the most determined vampire cannot resist the arms of slumber during daylight hours. A Cappadocian looking to ensure his continued existence (and expand his research time) perfected this formidable power. A Cainite mastering this application of Fortitude can remain active during daytime, functioning almost as effectively as if it were darkest night. Note that this doesn't give any further protection from the sun's effects beyond Fortitude's normal benefits.

System: The player makes a Via roll (difficulty 6); each success indicates how long the vampire may remain awake before another roll is needed, as shown below. Failure indicates that the character is still trying to rouse himself and may try again next turn (however, a second failure puts him back to sleep unless something else happens to awaken him later). On a botch, he sleeps the sleep of the dead straight through to the middle of the next night.

Successes Duration
1 Success 1 turn
2 3 turns
3 1 hour
4 2 hours
5 All day

The player may instead have the vampire spend a Blood Point to awaken immediately (this is particularly useful if there are intruders in the Cainite's haven, intent on mischief). In this case, the character rouses instantly, full alert for a number of turns equal to his Stamina + Road. If he wishes to stay awake after that point, another Blood Point or a roll is necessary, as above.

The player must choose which option he wants prior to taking action; he cannot choose to roll, fail and then decide to spend a Blood Point. This option may be switched at any time, however - initially spending a Blood Point, then going to rolls that are successful, or vice versa.

The player uses this system to determine wakefulness whether the character consciously decides he wants to stay awake in the coming day or is roused by activity near his haven. This system is used instead of the normal procedures.

Normally, a vampire awake during the day cannot have a Dice Pool greater than his current Road rating. With this power, a vampire can have a Dice Pool maximum equal to his Road + his current Willpower.