Sensory Shield

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Fortitude 6

With this power, the user supernaturally hardens his senses against injurious input. The vampire cannot be blinded by spotlights or sudden bursts of radiance, or deafened by explosions or gunfire; even his capacity to withstand pain is improved. His eyes, ears, nose, and open wounds glow with an eerie light while this power is active.

System: Spending two blood points activates this power for a scene. Mundane sources of overwhelming sensory input, such as searchlights, muzzle flash or pepper spray have no effect, even if sensory-enhancing powers like Heightened Senses are in use. The effects of supernatural sensory attacks or unusual circumstances (like being at ground zero for a massive explosion) may be soaked with the vampire's Fortitude dice, with each success reducing the effect or duration of the sensory damage, or negating it all together. In addition, the Gangrel's wound penalties are reduced by two; he feels no pain whatsoever until he reaches the Crippled level, when he runs into only a three-dice penalty. At the end of the scene, wound penalties for all accumulated damage are applied as normal.

The phosphorescent glow streaming from the vampire's orifices and wounds is nearly impossible to hide, and inflicts a two-dice penalty on social interactions with mortals (other than intimidation).

Great idea, but I can't for the life of me understand why a power about supernatural toughness includes a phosphorescent glow. -Jamie
Change "no dice penalty until crippled..." to "Reduce damage dice penalties by 2." The effect is usually the same, but there are times when damage dice penalties are altered by other powers. -Jamie