Evocation of the Taper / Quench the Tallow

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Level 1.

With a simple gesture and a word of power, a thaumaturge who knows the Evocation of the Taper ritual may ignite one candle in his line of sight. While convenient, this parlor trick is quite limited. It can only be used to ignite actual candles - not torches, parchment or any other object, no matter how flammable. The inverted form of this ritual Quench the Tallow, snuffs out a single burning candle but cannot affect other flames.

System: If the ritual succeeds, the targeted candle extinguishes or flares alight in a puff of sulphurous smoke as appropriate to the magic. A failure on the casting roll drains a blood point from the vampire's pool, while a botch costs her a blood point and melts the candle to a useless puddle of wax. both forms of this ritual require a mere turn of concentration, but the thaumaturge can take no other action while calling the flame. In effect, these rituals are zero dot effects of Creo Ignem (The Lure of Flames), and characters must have at least one dot in that path to learn either form. Characters with three or more dots of Creo Ignem may choose to ignite or extinguish as many separate candles as the player rolls successes. Failure still only drains one blood point, although a botch destroys all targeted candles.