Part the Veil

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Level II Rituals

Description: Called the 6th Sense ritual by young Kindred who enjoy pop-culture references, this allows the necromancer to grant someone else the ability to see wraiths and the Shadowlands as though they'd invoked Shroud Sight. the necromancer spends several moments chanting over an object representing the subject (hair, fingernail or a prized possession, for example) and a fresh human eye. If the subject is Kindred, he may resist with a Willpower roll, difficulty 6; successes on this roll are subtracted from the caster's total successes. If the power is successful, the victim sees the spirits and abodes of the dead overlaid with the living world for a number of scenes (if Kindred) or nights (if mortal) equal to the caster's successes. This can drive mortals mad - or at least to make their friends think they are.

Reference: Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion - Page 85.