Judgment of Rhadamanthus

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Level II Rituals

Description: The necromancer chooses a wraith she will later summon, using the 'Summon Soul', the level two path power of the Sepulchre path. In a cleansed bronze brazier, she burns several pages of a law book and a religious text matching the faith the wraith held in life. She mixes the ashes of the books with silver powder and uses the mixture to make her 'Circle of Cerberus'. When the wraith appears, the necromancer tells him that she has the power to send him to the real afterlife, the one he believed in when he was alive. if the ritual works, the wraith believes her. If the wraith fears judgement and hellfire, she can induce him to do what she wants by threatenign to use her power. If he yearns for Heaven and escape from the bizarre existence of the Underworld, she can secure his cooperation by promising to send him there. Since she cannot make good on these promises, Judgment of Rhadamanthus will not work twice on the same Heaven seeking wraith. Wraiths who were atheists while alive, or did not believe in life-after-death, automatically resists this ritual.

System: Intelligence + Rituals = difficulty six (6) or five (5) for an in-clan caster. The ritual is pass or fail and has no effect on atheistic wraiths.

Reference: Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy - Page 105.

Note: At the very beginning of the game, it was decided that this ritual was just a ruse and wasn't really a ritual at all. Bruce created an effective, authoritarian variant called 'Oath of Orcus' at the same ritual level. Both 'Judgment of Rhadamanthus' and 'Oath of Orcus' have been updated, but not changed.