Kaitlin's Spell Book

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Mina's Statistics
Thaumaturgy Rituals
Rituals in Progress
Mina's Un-Learned Library

Level 1

Blood Rush Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Dedicate the Chantry Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Defense of the Sacred Haven Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Deflection of Wooden Doom Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Detect Ward Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Dominoe of Life Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Encrypt Missive Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Engaging the Vessel of Transference Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Exorcise Fever Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Eye of the Translator (LS3 70) - Dur-An-Ki - learned from Narbonidus in Enoch during her 3 years of isolation. (ST: Bruce)
Expedient Paperwork Origin: Had sense the first iteration, Used many times to set up alt identities (KP). Accepted & Noted (ST-BZ)
Horoscope Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Illuminate the Trail of Prey Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Learning the Mind Enslumbered Origin: 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST:Bruce)
Pebble from the Mountain Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Purify Blood Origin: Learned as Rashid when fighting Setites to make sure we were not poisend (KP). Accepted & Noted (ST-BZ)
Preservation of Relics Origin: Researched as Zahira
Rebirth of Mortal Vanity Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Sanguineous Phial Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Sense the Mystical Origin: Late Second Iteration - Stolen from the Tremere.(KP) Accepted & Noted (ST-BZ)
Scent of the Lupine's Passing The Piesce Collection
The Scribe Origin: Late 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Touch the Earth (Asm BM)- Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Wake with Evening's Freshness Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Baptism Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Call of the Hungry Dead
Casting of Bones
Final Sight
Revivify the Cold Vitae

Level 2

Blood Walk Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Call the Cainite Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Chameleon's Gift Origin: Kaitlin Porter.(ST:Bruce)
Craft Bloodstone Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Donning the Mask of Shadows Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Extinguish Origin: Learned as a Sabbot (KP) - Noted & Accepted (ST: Bruce)
Form the Reflection Origin: Kaitlin Porter.(ST:Bruce)
Gift of Mithra's Bull (Asm BM) - Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Machine Blitz Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Mourning Life Curse (BM) Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Principle Focus of Vitae Infusion Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Recur of the Homeland- Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Sands of Troile -- Origin: 3rd Iteration: 2022 Spring - Autumn (ST: Bruce)
Suppress Ward - Jamie.
Ward Vs Ghouls Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Circle vs Ghouls Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)

Level 3

Aportation Origin: Kaitlin Porter.(ST:Bruce) Formerly known as "Call the Precious"
Approach the Veil Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Blade of vitae Transference Origin: Kaitlin Porter.(ST:Bruce)
Bull of Heaven Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Caller ID Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Caster's Ring - Morgans
Cleansing of the Flesh Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Clinging of the Insect (mod)- difference is use a fly, instead of spider Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Craft Dream Catcher Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Dimming Memory's Passage Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Doll of Reflection Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Effigy Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Incorporeal Passage Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Looking Through the Glass Origin:' Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Mask the Thaumaturgical Aura Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Passport to the Island of Shadows Origin: Unknown - 3rd Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Pavis of Foul Presence Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Personal Garde. Origin Jamie thought me this when we traded casting styles
Portrait of Passion Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Poultice of the Risen Origin: Chelsea Porter & Mac Verser - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Rip Ward Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Sanguine Assistant Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Scarecrow Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Shaft of Belated Quiescence Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Turn the Great Eye Jamie and I after London to keep Dylan from finding them.
Ward vs Lupines Origin: Unknown - please define! (ST: Bruce)No Idea, has been on my sheet so long I forgot (KP)
Warding Circle vs Lupines Origin: Unknown - please define! (ST: Bruce)No Idea, has been on my sheet so long I forgot (KP)

Level 4

Aport Container Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce) Formerly known as "Precious Box"
Caster's Ring Origin: Morgan Erlich - 3rd Iteration. (ST: Bruce)
Directing Ahriman's Lance (Asm BM) - Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Firewalker Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Kudurru Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
La Transsubstantiation de la Cuisine
Leave No Trace Origin: The library of the Schismatic Assamites in exile - 1st Iteration - Under Jamie as Storyteller. (ST:Bruce)
Map the Location Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Banish the Abyssal Darkness
Rite of Marduk Triumphant (Asm BM)- Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Scry (BM) Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Shadowgate Origin: Manus Nigrum - 3rd Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Soul of the Homunculus Origin: Second Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Splinter Servant Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Stolen Kisses (BM) Origin: Third Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Suspension of Incantation Origin: Paisi collection
The Sun's Grace Origin: Cloudwalker - 1st Iteration. (ST: Bruce)
Ward vs Fey Origin: 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Ward vs Kindred Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Ward vs. Scrying Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Circle vs Fey Origin: 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Warding Circle vs Kindred Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)

Level 5

Bind Consort - Created by: Mac, Cloudwalker and Chelsea
Blood Contract Origin: 1st Iteration. Accepted & Noted. (ST-BZ)
Circle of Teleportation Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Cobra's Favor (BM)- Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Enchant Talisman- Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Escape to a True Friend Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Essence of Rom Origin: Researched from 2012 - 2022 C.E. - 3rd Iteration (ST: Bruce)
Full Analysis Origin: Coterie Research - 3rd Iteration. (ST: Bruce)
Ghost in the System (BM) - Origin: Early 3rd Iteration - Gained through Jamie & Morgan. (ST-BZ)
Icon Origin: Morgan Erlich - 3rd Iteration. (ST: Bruce)
Kachina Decoy Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Magic of the looking glass Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Necklace of Recall Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Paper Flesh Origin: Time spend in the Sabbat - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Passage to the Shadowy Home Origin: Manus Nigrum - 3rd Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Permanence Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Protection of the True Name Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Pulse of the Sacred Land Origin. Learned from Jamie
Seeing With the Sky's Eyes (Asm BM) - Origin: Kateb Zeke - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
Shell Game Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Slumber of the Jabberwocky Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Stone of the True Form Origin: Learned from Jamie's spell book when he died. Accepted & Confirmed (STBruce)
Through the looking Glass Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Vires Acquirit Eundo (BM) - Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Ward vs Spirits Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Ward vs Wraiths Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Circle vs Demons Origin: Antara of Cairo - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Circle vs Spirits Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warding Circle vs Wraiths Origin: Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Ward Wrack Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)
Warp Ward Origin: Jamie Wadell - 3rd Iteration (ST:Bruce)

Level 6

(Though these are available, they may be re-learned - 4 years each - when they can be.)

(Not learned) Bloodline Change Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)(
From Marduk's Throat (Asm BM) - Origin: Schismatic Assamite Sorcerer Faction - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
Shattering of Spatial Self Origin: Kaitlin Porter - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)
(Not learned) Theft of the Living Heart (Dur-An-Ki ritual) Origin: Kaitlin Porter & Mac Verser the Tremere - 1st Iteration.(ST:Bruce)