Caster's Ring

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Caster's Ring allows a thaumaturge to create a ring which will allow the recipient to freely contact the creator of the ring as if using the ritual Call the Cainite, as long as the owner of the ring is wearing it. This item will only work for the recipient of the ring and must be created in the presence of the recipient for the ritual to succeed.
System: The caster forges a ring from pure silver, using a bit of his or her own hair and blood, as well as that of the recipient. The ring must be worked with glyph representing the caster worked into the metal of the ring. The ring can be used by the recipient to contact the caster one time per success on the casting. The rings charges can be restored by recasting the ritual without the need to create a new ring.

Erreta:Takes a night to cast due to need for the caster to make the ring. This time can be shorten with preparation and skill, how much is up to ST.