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Kaitlin's Spell Book

Level 3 Hermetic Thaumaturgy

This ritual allows a Thaumature to enchant an object so that it can be summoned to his or her hand (or other body part) once, at will. It was created by the Assamite Thaumaturge Zahira, heir to Antara in Cairo, who used it primarily to enchant her weaponry. It cannot be used to transport living beings.

Casting: The caster first lights a special mixture of incense and removes unwanted influences from the object by bathing it in the smoke. Then she must trace a series of runes using a pure silver stylus that define the object and its boundaries, as well as its connection to the caster. Finally, the runes are infused with mercury, which flows along the inscription and lends its faint silver shine to them. The caster must spend a point of willpower to set the magic.

System: Once completed, Aportation will allow the caster to summon the enchanted object from any distance, but only once. The ritual may only work if the caster and object remain within the physical realm of Earth. When activated, the runes involved disappear completely, and the ritual must be cast entirely anew to achieve the affect again. The object may appear anywhere on the caster's person: A sword may be called to hand or into a sheath (though sword and sheath are two different objects and must be enchanted separately): A hat may appear on the caster's head, and armor may appear, if properly arrayed before its miraculous journey, on the caster's body. However, aported objects cannot occupy space that is already filled: They may appear in a bag that has space for them, but will not push aside the lining of a pocket. If they cannot appear where the caster wanted them, they appear as close to the caster's dominant hand as they can. Thus a caster who wants to instantaneously don armor must be wearing something that easily fits beneath it (or nothing at all) or it appears in a jumble and falls to her feet.

Items may be summoned as a reflexive action, but only once per round. Summoning a second item in a round requires the thaumaturge to use a mental action. Items to be enchanted may be only as large and heavy as the caster can easily carry.

Though it is theoretically possible to have any number of items prepared to appear out of nowhere, a caster's Wits rating effectively limits her ability to keep them separate in her mind. If she has more than one such item prepared, she must succeed in a Wits roll at a difficulty indicated on the following chart. If the roll fails, a random item appears (storyteller's discretion). Botching the Wits roll indicates that the caster cannot accurately identify the desired item, and the ritual must be recast before it can be summoned.

# of items or less Difficulty on Wits roll
2 4
4 5
8 6
15 7
30 8
50 9
51+ Multiple 9's

Old Ritual Description: Caster needs to inscribe Runes into the Object. Runes must be imbued with pure Silver (with either thread, or powder, or some other method) Need to get a minimum of 5 successes at 8 on a Crafts roll. Once the Runes have been inscribed and the ritual has been cast, they “soak” into the item, and are no longer visible. Silver is lost on failure, and you need to redo the Crafts roll

Effect: At will the Caster can call the object to her, distance does not matter. This can only be used once, and then the ritual needs to be recast on the item.

Errata - This is a pass/fail? What tools are used to inscribe the rune? In conversation the rune was destroyable, does that mean you can see it? How many can you have active at any point?