Poultice of the Risen

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Origin: Chelsea and Mac
Ingredients: Tea leaves, Peppermint Leaves, purified water, Prepared earth of the casters homeland
Casting: The caster prepares a magical Poultice that can be used to bring a Kindred out of torpor. The casting is done over a lunar month. During this time the Poultice needs to monitored by the caster or lab asst. By crushing several herbs and mixing with purified water and lastly the prepared earth of the homeland of the caster a poultice is produced.
System: Intelligence + Rituals (successes are number of months the poultice is active) The Poultice is rubbed over the heart of a Kindred in Torpor. The Kindred wakes of the period of the next hour very tired, will be 1 die down for the rest of that night. The Kindred will wake from Torpor with the lose of a physical(Str, Dex or Sta). This is a permanent loss. (although it can be bought back as normal)
Notes: Made in iteration 1 to wake Cloudwalker from Torpor