Slumber of the Jabberwocky

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Kaitlin's Spell Book

Allows the caster to sleep in a mirror

System: This magic mirror is created from a silver based mirror. The caster paints symbols on the back with a mixture of her blood, and talc (found in sandstone). Once created the mirror is good for a full moon, phase to phase. Once the caster casts the ritual she can stay in the mirror for any length of time. She can step in and out at will, but cannot physically effect the outside world while in the mirror. When the caster is in the mirror she is unaffected by any physical form of injury including fire and sunlight. If the mirror is destroyed in any way the caster will take 7 levels of unsoakable lethal damage.

Kate, I did correct some minor spelling errors and completed one sentence. The description in the system would be better as the primary description and the system could use a little work, perhaps inspiration from the "Blood Magic Sourcebooks?" I also wanted to point out, that this is one of your best rituals and its as good as any ritual created by White Wolf. - Bruce