Mask the Thaumaturgical Aura

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Level 3

By focusing on the time and place of Embrace, the caster can mask any abnormality in his aura caused by a magical effect.
System: Caster Spends 15 minutes in solid meditation, while inhaling incense. Caster needs 4 successes on a rituals roll, and upon completion all magical effects are erased from the casters aura. This ritual does not effect any non-magical effects such as diablerie lines. Any ritual cast after this one will still cause motes in the casters aura. Ritual lasts 1 week.

Jamie's proposed rewrite

Using the hazy smoke of incense and the power of her will, the caster can obscure the tell-tale signs of sorcery in her aura.

System: The caster meditates within a ritual circle, surrounded by small braziers burning rare incense, for fifteen minutes. When the ritual is completed, the caster makes the standard rituals roll. All motes existent in the caster's Aura are obscured: to perceive them, the would-be Aura Reader (as with Soul Sight) must achieve more successes than the caster did on the casting roll, or he does not perceive them. Mask the Thaumaturgical Aura lasts until the following sunset.

This ritual has no effect on magic that affects the caster after the ritual is begun, nor can it effectively counter truly advanced Auspex, such as the power Karmic Sight.