Mina's Statistics
Personal Details
Circa: 2021 C.E.
Haven: The Carnival
Clan: Ravnos
Generation: 6th
Born: 1977
Embrace: 1998
Sire: Durga Syn
Nature: Deviant
Demeanor: Rogue
Apparent Age: early 20s
Blood purity: (4xcurrent) 2
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4 , Stamina 3 + 3 internal armor
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Alertness-4 (combat awareness), Athletics-2 (throwing knives), Brawl-0, Dodge-2, Empathy-3, Expression-2, Intimidation-1, Leadership-1, Streetwise-4, Subterfuge-4, Memory-3, Dreaming-5 (enviornment changes), Fortune Telling 1
Animal Ken-3, Crafts-3 (exp: jewelry) , ride 1, Drive-2, Etiquette-3(*vampire), Firearms-2, Melee-3, Archery-2, Performance-3, Security-3 (*locks), Stealth-2, Survival-2, Meditation-3(willpower), Martial Arts-1, Slight of Hand-1, lip Reading-3
Academics-2 (exp: Art), Computers-3, Rituals-6 (meta magic, enchanting objects, enchant person), Finance-0, Investigation-2 (), Law-0, Linguistics-5 (Native Speaker), Medicine-3, Herbalism -1, Occult-5 (celtic religion), Politics-2 (vampire), Science-1, Enigmas-2,
Lore: Angelus Lacrimarum -2, Gypsy -3, Ravanos Clan Lore-3, Tremere Clan Lore-2 (secrets), Sofia Lore-3 (Falkultetta), Area Knowlege-5 (Falkultetta), Spirt -1, Kindred Lore -1 (History), Nosferatu Clan lore -2, Werewolf -2, Tzimsce Clan -3, Geovanni Lore -3, Black Hand Lore -1, Enoch Lore -2
Languages: (16+1) Arabic, English, Russian, Bulgarian, Romani, Babylonian, Brythonic, Latin, Itialian, French, Akkadian (assyro-Babylonian), Pictish
Animalism-3, Auspex-2, Celerity-0, Chimerstry-6, Fortitude-4, Healer Valeren -1, Protean-3, Temporis-1, Thaumaturgy-6, Quietus-1, Necromancy -1
Discipline Techniques
Guardian Vigil (celerity,auspex, fortitude 1): will win initiative if someone else attacks, supernatural effects need to be one level higher. Lasts only one round.)-
Avanced Disciplines Fatuus Mastery
Blood Affinities: (3xcurrent) Dance of Knives-2
Sorcerous Paths: Focused Mind - MII -5, Path of Blood-5, Gift_of_Morpheus-5, Path of Correspondence (Kaitlin's)-5, Movement of the Mind -5, The Path of Mars-5, Oneiromancy-5, Path of Transmutation-3, Biothaumaturgic Experimentation -1, Ogham -1
Necromancy Paths: Nigrimancy - 1
Rituals: Kaitlin's Spell Book
Allies-3, Contacts-5, Fame-1, Generation-6, Herd-3, Influence Falkutetta-3, Influence bloodbank-2, Mentor-6, Resources-5, Retainers-5, Status (NY)-2, Status (sofia)-2, Alt Identity-2, Library-6 (shared)
Secrets: Sofia Secrets-4,
Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Path of Enlightenment: Path of the Community (Universal) - 7
Willpower: 9
Merits & Flaws
Merits: Additional Discipline - Thaumaturgy (5pts - supernatural), Charmed Existence (5pt - supernatural), Ambidextrous (1pt - physical), Oracular Ability: Tarot Cards (3pt - supernatural)
Flaws: Curiosity, Enemy - Angelus Lacrimarum (5pt - social), Severe phobia of Spiders (wp 1)
Experience & Maturation
Maturation Points: 0 pt (Spent on Path)
Mina's Experience