Biothaumaturgic Experimentation

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This is almost a "dark science" unto itself. Practitioners of this path need a laboratory and all sorts of strange equipment to carry out their experiments. The average cost of experimentation is $1,000 per week times the rating of the Thaumaturgical power. It costs no Blood Points to use the powers of this path, but it does require one full week of work for each roll made.

1) Thaumaturgical Forensics The vampire can study the blood, hair or remains of subjects to determine various information about them, such as type of creature, whether they were natural or supernatural, age, sex, race, clan, tribe, generation, whether or not they were diabolists, signs of Vicissidude infection, Gaoru Gifts and vampiric Disciplines.
System: Roll Intelligence + Medicine difficulty 5. For each success, the character gains one piece of information, such as a Discipline or Gift the deceased possessed.

2) Animal Experimentation
The vampire can Thaumaturgically alter lesser life forms. The vampire can change the size, Attributes, Abilities, instincts, nature, ecology, and internal makeup and appearance of animals and other creatures less complex than humans.
System: Roll Intelligence + Medicine difficulty 8. For each success, one Attribute dot, two Ability dots, one instinct, one behavior pattern, one aspect of the creature's ecology (such as diet or climate) or some physical feature (such as a leg, tentacle, set of feelers, etc.) may be added, subtracted or altered. The Storyteller must approve all modifications.

3) Thaumaturgical Surgery
The vampire can perform Thaumaturgical surgery on patients using all sorts of wickedly shaped tools. The surgery can heal all sorts of wounds in both natural and supernatural creatures, including aggravated wounds.
System: Roll Wits + Medicine (difficulty 7). For each success, two levels of normal damage or one level of aggravated damage can be healed. Surgery cannot be performed on the same patient more than once per injury. Note that this surgery does not necessarily require one week to perform, but it takes at least that long to recover from.

4) Human Experimentation
The vampire can perform alterations on humans just as she can on animals.
System: Treat as Animal Experimentation, except that it works on humans.

5) Supernatural Experimentation
The vampire can perform alterations on supernatural creatures, such as vampires, Lupines, Mummies, mages, faeries, and wraiths, just as she can on animals and humans.
System: Treat as Animal Experimentation, except that it functions on supernatural creatures.