Lady Mortis Statistics

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Lady Mortis -x- Godiva -x- Vera Geier {In all of history, you alone remember who she was and what happened to her.}

Alises Mortal Name- Katherina Wydmanyn

Paint it Black

Lasombra card.jpg 

Generation: 5th
Sire: Sybil

Nature: Scientist
Demeanor: Deviant

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 3 (magical emanations, Path of Fascination), Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 3 (hidden desires), Expression 1, Intimidation 3 , Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3 (pillow talk)
Secondary Talents: Haggling 1, Lucid Dreaming 1, Seduction 3 (femme fatal)

Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 3 (taxidermy), Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Melee 3 (knife), Performance 2 [Expertise: acting, violin] (Improvisational), Security 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2 (medicinal plants)
Secondary Skills: Demolitions 2, Blood Prep 3,Photography 1,Body Crafts 2,Herbalism 3,Toxicology 3,Archery 1,Fire Dancing 1, Ride 1, Gameplay 1, Dreaming 1

Knowledges: Academics 3 (medical history), Computers 2, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Law 0, Linguistics 4, Medicine 5 (anatomy, dissection, pain), Occult 5, Politics 1, Science 3
Secondary Knowledges: Rituals 5, Thanatology 5, Enigmas 2, Chemistry 3 (bio chemistry), Memory 3, Cryptography 1, Heraldry 2

Languages: Portugese,Greek,Latin,German,Galic,Old English,Norse,Italian,Spanish,French,Arabic,Old Saxon,Babalonian,Arcadia

Lore: Kindred 3,Wraith 3,Lupine 1,Rio 2, Naja Raja 2,Mummy 2,Mage 4 (Cult of Ecstacy / Verbena), Lasombra 3,Ventrue 2, Malkavian 1, Toreador 1, Nosferatu 1, Sabbat 3

Discipline: Abyss Mysticism 2 , Auspex 5, Celerity 2, Chimerstry 2, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3, Obtenebration 5, Potence 2, Presence 3, Obfuscate 2, Vicissitude 4

Discipline Techniques:

Sorcery: Necromancy 6, Thaumaturgy 4

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Necromancy Paths
Sepulchre Path 5 Primary -- See: {Nigrimancy} for the system describing the mental struggle with Wraiths.
Path of the Corpse 5 Secondary
Vitreous Path 5
The Grave's Decay 4
Path of Enervation 4
Path of Spectral Fire 2
Cadaverous Animation 1

Thaumaturgy Paths
Biothaumaturgic Experimentation 3, Blood 2, Green Path 2, Mastery of the Mortal Shell 2, Mercury 2, Spirit Manipulation 2, Countermagic 1


Necromancy Rituals

Level 1
Blood of Cerberus - A tracking spell that requires animal sacrifice.
Bones of Chronos- A spell to petrify bone.
Bones of Demeter- A ritual to soften bone to the consistency of clay.
Call of the Hungry Dead - A Giovanni curse meant to drive a mortal insane.
Casting of Bones - A simple divination to determine if the next action chosen will be beneficial.
Catoptromancy - The enchantment of an everyday mirror to reflect the spirits of the dead.
Cephalomancy - An augury that enchants a dead head to speak its secrets to the caster.
Ceremonial Circle - A ritual abjuration meant to prevent catastrophic failure when working necromancy.
Circle of Cerberus- A circle of protection against ghosts and spirits
Eldritch Beacon - A Sabbat enchantment that marks out a target for wraith.
Evil Eye - A a simple verbal curse that penalizes a target; this ritual can be cast in combat.
Final Sight - A ritualized version of the level one path power of Sepulchre.
Fire of Hades - A rite to summon barrow-flame to the living world as a light source.
Incense of Hekate - A necromantic, detect magic ritual.
Incubation - A necromantic dream ritual for speaking with the dead by sleeping in a tomb or graveyard.
Kapala of Memory -a ritual of necromantic remembrance
Knowing Stone -a houngan can mark a person's spirit, allowing the vampire to see where his subject is at any time, even after he has died. In this fashion many of the spirit-haunted vampires keep tabs on their close kin and their enemies.
Necrophilia - A dark enchantment that evokes sexual attraction to corpses.
Minestradi Morte -the caster can learn whether (or if) an individual became a spirito or spettro after death
Mists of Death - Rank One- This ritual creates an entropic mist that feeds off of the life-force of insects.
Occult Text - Necromantically encrypted writings.
Revivify the Cold Vitae-With this ritual, the vampire may refresh the vitae locked in a fleshy corpse to allow her to feed without hunting for living prey.
Sweet Preservation - A rite using honey to preserve corpses.
Taphephobia-The abnormal fear of being buried alive is called Taphephobia.This ritualized curse inflicts Taphephobia on a single mortal target.
Tarbfeis -- Ritual to activate the Vathi (or question any severed head).
Token of Phobos - An enchantment which increases the caster’s intimidation rating.

Level 2
Blades of Thanatos - Bone knives enchanted to steal life force.
Dismissal of the Dead - A mystical bribe to a wraith to leave and not return.
Doll of Thanatos - A spell inspired by the Giovanni, that curses a victim to appear as a corpse.
Eyes of the Grave - A Giovanni ritual for cursing someone with visions of their own death.
Fallen Familiar - An enchantment which creates an undead sentinel.
Graven Stimuli - This ritual creates a sympathetic stimulus between a corpse and a target.
Guardian Genius - A Drone guardian that watches and warns the caster of impending danger.
Hungry Mold-the mold becomes a deadly flesh-eating fungus. It greedily devours living or unliving flesh on contact.
The Hand of Glory -The Hand of Glory is a mummified hand used by the Giovanni to anesthetize a home's residents and, thereby, allow the Necromancer free rein to do what he will in the residence.
Kiss of the Dark Queen-This ritual enchants a specific individual with the ability to track relics through the Underworld
Oath of Orcus - A verbal contract between a necromancer and a summoned wraith.
Puppet - A Sabbat ritual of ghostly possession, that is often used as psychological torture.
Sympathetic Rigor - A paralytic curse.
Two Centimes - The mortal’s soul journeys to the underworld, which he perceives, initially at least, as the way-station where voudoun believers congregate after death.
Level 3
Ashen Eye -- A necromantic ward versus Wraiths for individual items.
Chthonian Holocaust - A burnt offering meant to mystically enhance a sorcerer's ritual performance.
Chalice of Memoirs- This ritual allows the necromancer to temporarily borrow the memories of a dead person.
Eleusinian Gate - A ritual that opens a gate-way into and out of the Underworld.
Haruspicy of Devoveo - Animal sacrifice and entrail reading to divine the nature of a curse or spell.
Mnemosyne’s Curse - A necromantic counter-curse that stripes an attacking sorcerer of his personal memories.
Persephone’s Seeds - An enchanted bezoar that creates a short term, throw away animation.
Texts of Execration - This complex curse allows the necromancer to curse more than one victim at a time.
Level 4
A Draught from the Sixth River of the Underworld-The essential idea behind the ritual is that the necromancer makes a sacrifice of his blood into a river known for its history of drownings to symbolically manifest the river Mnemosyne within the land of the living, so that the necromancer can drink from it and in doing so, enchant himself with the ability to permanently absorb a chosen set of memories from the next corpse whose blood he drinks.
Drink of Lethe's Waters-The necromancer acquires an object once owned by, or symbolic of, a particular wraith
Extract of Mnemosyne -A dark rite involving the consumption of the deceased's blood to temporarily gain one of their talents, skills or knowledges
Immured Sanctum -The consecration of a sacred space which eases the difficulty surrounding the dark art.
Phasmatis Opus Phylacterium -The imprisonment of a ghost in a specially prepared object to create a necromantic fetish.
Mark of Despair-Any ghost that approaches a barrier created with this ritual feels a sense of inherent wrongness that intensifies the closer it gets.
Mnemophagia -Transubstantiate one relic into a variable amount of relic-blood dependent on the size of the item
Mnemosyne’s Transubstantiation -transforms relics that have been brought across the Shroud into the material world and embodied as physical objects and transforms them into mnemonic-blood that can be consumed to provide the memories of the dead
Potation of Mnemosyne -The vampire meditates for an hour, attuning herself to the realm of the dead as she draws on its unhallowed power.
Level 5
Draught of Dust and Ashes -The vampire meditates for an hour, attuning herself to the realm of the dead as she draws on its unhallowed power.
Sanctuary of Living Death - Rather than animating individual corpses, Cappadocians who know this ritual may enchant an area so that the dead may move and serve on command. Unfortunately, as the enchantment rests in the place rather than the cadavers, the walking dead cannot leave its boundaries without reverting to true lifelessness.
Pathway of Doom - to speak with the ghost of his sire
Level 6
Corpse Projection -This ritual, known to a bare handful of elder Capadocians before their fall, requires that the caster be able to free his soul from his body via Anima Walk. It allows the Astral vampire to take possession of corpses he encounters during his travels, and use them to affect the physical world.


Thaumaturgy Rituals

Level 1
Bind the Accusing Tongue
Chime Of Unseen Spirits
Deflection of Wooden Doom
Defense of the Sacred Haven
Dominoe of Life
Evocation of the Taper / Quench the Tallow
Exorcise Fever
Expedient Paperwork
Encrypt Missive
Illuminate the Trail of Prey
Imp's Affliction
Learning the Mind Enslumbered
Sense the Mystical {An instinctive use of thaumaturgy picked up from the concepts of the mage rote: Magical Sense.}
Song of My Blood {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Singing of the Blood.}
The Mirror Never Lies {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: True Age.}
Verify the Wonder Worker {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Reveal The Enlightened.}
Wake with Evening's Freshness
Level 2
Trusting to Luck {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: :Cluttered Drawer.}
Ward Vs Ghouls
Warding Circle vs Ghouls {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Ward Area.}
Level 3
Rite of Fertility {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Blessings of the Blood.}
Track Transgressor {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: .}
Level 4
Perfect Poison {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Brew Venomous Blood.}
The All Seeing Land {A recently conceptualized ritual based on the mage rote: Sense the Land.}


Abyss Mystic Rituals

Level 1
Pierce the Murk (PGHC 176-177)
The Shadow of Hands That Serve (PGHC 177)
Level 2
The Heart That Beats in Silence (assumed ritual referenced in The Shadow Hands that Serve)



Allies (••) -- Æthelred, Bes
Arcane (•••) -- It takes an assassin to shadow you.
City Specific Knowledge Rating (Rome) [C]
Contacts -- (•••) (Bavarian Nobility) -- Irene Adler
Cult (••) Cult of Bona Dea
Domain (•••) -- Horti Caesaris -- Julius Caesar's villa and gardens. Your master-gardener and an army of craftsman have restored the villa to medieval splendor. Its a palace fit for a queen.
Generation (••••••••)
Library (••••) - A single Vathi (Trèvédic - The Traitor Apprentice).
Past Lives (mage V20) (•••) - Not so much a reflection of all that you have experienced in your numerous iterations, it is rather a function of how well you can access the experiences of those other lives.
Resources (X) - At the moment, you own your gear, a tent and have about 2000 pieces of gold to your name. For a woman you are doing very well indeed. Who needs a man to support you?
Retainers (••)
Avelina -- A handmaiden recently bequeathed to you by your elder-brother Marconius, she has been a ghoul for a hundred years and needs Godiva's blood to survive.
Hermagoras Capitani -- Your new seneschal and overseer, he is likely blood bound to you and or a ghoul. He conducts all your daylight business for you.
Orsina -- A young girl of station who died of plague.
Status (••) - In the mortal world you are noble woman of Germanic origin, among the damned you are the childe of Sybil and a scion of Rome's home grown Lasombra. Fame and infamy by equal measure.



Road of Bones -- (Path of Death and the Soul) 5

Willpower: 8


Conviction 3
Self-Control 4
Courage 3

Merits & Flaws


Sphere - Level Two

Quintessence Armor (Prime ••)
Quintessence Blade (Prime ••)
Quintessence Bolt (Prime ••)
Arcane Beacon (Prime •• / Correspondence •)
Communion with the Dead (Spirit ••)
Exorcism (Spirit ••)
Spirit Touch (Spirit ••)
Spirit Voice (Spirit ••)
Spirit Ward (Spirit ••)
Song of Life (Spirit 2, Life 1)
Bless the Faithful Servant (Prime •• Spirit ••)
Haunting the Earthly Abode (Spirit •• / Entropy ••)
See the Dark World (Spirit •• / Entropy ••)

Circa: 1933 C.E.
Last Modified: 1933 C.E. / "The Magister 07:21, 3 March 2017 (MST)"
Experience: 2xp (Monday - June 18th, 2012) + 182xp for your 26year downtime from 2005 - 2031 C.E. -- Bruce (01/31/14)
Maturation Points: 6pts (for downtime from 1999 - 2004) + 5 additional maturation points for your 26 year downtime from 2005 to 2031 C.E. -- Bruce (01/31/14)
Apparent Age: Early 30s