Draught of Dust and Ashes

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Level V Rituals

Description: Removing all clothing, the vampire kneels in a place hallowed for the dead. Such a place may be an elaborate mausoleum or an unearthed pauper’s grave, but the location must have been intentionally built or excavated to house human remains and then used for that purpose. The vampire meditates for an hour, attuning herself to the realm of the dead as she draws on its unhallowed power.
System: If the ritual succeeds, the vampire’s player rolls Courage (difficulty 4). Each success yields one point of Willpower that may take the character above her normal maximum. These Willpower points may also be used in place of blood to power Disciplines with such requirements, but the Willpower may not replace blood for any other task. Any Willpower gained from this ritual in excess of the vampire’s normal rating fades at sunrise. Once this ritual drains the negative energies of a tomb, that location yields no Willpower for a number of nights equal to the points taken from it. After this recovery duration passes, the vampire may return for more power.

Reference: PGHC 203