Hungry Mold

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Level II Rituals

Description: The vampire scrapes mold from a tombstone or grave and boils it in an iron kettle with vitae and raw animal fat. For every success on the casting roll, one cup of the mixture turns a sickly gray-green and thickens to a quivering gel. Any leftover ingredients must be strained away before the ritual can continue. Finally, the vampire drips a single drop of his blood into the gel to awaken it. From this point on, the mold becomes a deadly flesh-eating fungus. It greedily devours living or unliving flesh on contact, leaving patches of naked bone where a growing colony abscessed and ravaged all soft tissue. Even the caster is not immune, requiring his utmost caution in handling the mold. Typically, Cappadocians decant the mold into metal vials or other portable containers for use as weapons.

System: Each batch of mold lasts one full month, after which it loses all magic. Anyone splashed with the mold suffers dice of aggravated damage equal to the total cups that made contact with flesh. This damage continues each turn, reduced by one die until the magic is spent.

Reference: Players Guide to the High Clans - Mortis Rituals - Pages 198.