Sense the Land

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Rotes by Craft / Tradition

Description: First employed by the witch Brangian to keep track of the Saxons who were raiding her land, this rote has become a standard surveillance effect among the Verbena. The witch extends her senses and merges them with those of the plants and small animals in a given region.

System: The Life magic allows the witch to blend her perceptions with those lives around her, while the Mind sphere enables her to understand the sensations she receives. Because her awareness is covered by the lives in the area, this effect is very difficult to detect. Every success increases the difficulty of detection by one. Clearly, variation of: Scry.

Source: SCRIBD (Apprentice Rotes for Mage: The Ascension), Uploaded by Beth on Jun 19, 2008, originally part of "The Grimoire of the Cabal of Pure Thought", a resource for my Mage: The Ascension game. None Commercial.