Marcus Verus's Stats

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Marcus Verus

5th generation Ventrue, embraced in 438 by Mithras.
Soldier / Soldier
Baron of Chester.

Attributes:Str 7, Dex 8, Sta 8 / Cha 7, Man 6, App 6 / Per 7, Int 6, Wits 8

Talents: Expression: 6 / Alertness: 7 (ambushes) / Athletics: 7 / Brawl: 6 / Dodge: 8 / Empathy: 6 / Intimidation: 7 / Leadership: 8 / Streetwise: 4 / Subterfuge: 7 / Meditation: 4

Skills Animal Ken: 6 (horses) / Drive: 1 / Ride: 8 (Combat Riding, Charge, Cross-country) / Etiquette: 7 (Avalon, Courtly Manners) / Firearms: 5 (Black Powder) / Melee: 8 (Sword and Shield) / Performance: 5 / Crafts: 6 (Smithing, Leatherwork) / Legerdemain: 5 / Stealth: 6 / Survival: 7 (English countryside) / Style: 5 / Instruction: 6 / Archery: 6 / Tactics 6

Knowledge: Academics: 6 (Roman History, English History, Literature) / Computer 0 / Finance: 4 / Seneschal: 6 /Investigation: 5 (Interrogation) / Law 8 (British Common Law, Blood Laws) / Linguistics: 7 (Anything every spoken in the Isles, Most European and important world languages) / Medicine: 4 (Battlefield medicine, Torture) / Occult: 6 / Politics: 7 (Avalon) / Science: 4 / Enigmas: 5 / Memory: 6 / Hearth Wisdom 6 / Chester Lore 8, Chester Secrets 5, British Isles Lore 5, London Lore 3, London Secrets 5, British Isles Secrets 4 / Strategy: 7 / Mage Lore: 3 / Ventrue Lore: 7 / Gangrel Lore: 4 / Toreador Lore: 3 / Assamite Lore: 4 / Kindred Lore: 3 / Mummy Lore: 1 / Gaoru Lore: 3

DisciplinesDominate 8 / Fortitude 8, Presence 7, Auspex 6, Obfuscate 5, Potence 6, Celerity 6, Protean 5, Quietus 4, Animalism 3.
Advanced Disciplines: Dominate: 6 - Fealty, 7 - Command the Legion, 8 - Carry the Master's Voice. Fortitude: 6 - Personal Armor, 7 - Resilient Mind, 8 - Eternal Vigilance, 8 - 8 soak dice. Presence: 6 - Force of Personality, 7 - Cooperation. Auspex: Farsight. Potence 6 - Relentless Pursuit (Only 5 strength). Celerity: 6 actions.
Discipline Techniques: Aura of Inescapeable Truth, Esprit De Corps, Lessons in the Steel, Lifesong, Long March

Backgrounds: Allies: 5 / Contacts: 5 / Domain: 10 (Security 5, Population 5) - Chester / Generation: 8 / Herd: 4 (Bloodbound thralls) / Influence: Chester 5, English Government 3, English Military 2, English Police 2, English Shipping 4 / Mentor: 9 (Mithras) / Military Force: 4 (Ghoul Knights) / Resources: 5 / Retainers: 7 / Status: Camarilla 5, Avalon 5, Ventrue 5.

Virtues: Self Control 5, Conviction 4, Courage 5, Road of Kings 8, Willpower 10.

Derangements: None (see Resilient Mind).
Merits: Probably. Flaws: Probably