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Dominate 6

Fealty allows the Cainite to ensure the loyalty of those who voluntarily swear oaths of allegiance to him. Whenever a mortal or Cainite makes a free oath to a vampire who then uses fealty, the subject is compelled to fulfill the oath to the best of her ability. The subject cannot later change her mind or take back her words, and false intentions or subterfuge are swept aside by the power of the Fealty invocation. The subject may be unable to resist upholding the oath, but she may act against the vampire in any matter not covered by the oath.

Invoking this power is a dramatic display. The Cainite must amek a statement of affirmation (such as, "I accept your oath," or, "May your word be as law to you,"), and power tangibly surges between the vampire and the oath-taker. None witnessing it can have any doubt that, somehow, the oath has been supernaturally enforced. (Savvy Cainites will invoke the power of God, while suspicious onlookers may infer darker powers at work.)

System: The player rolls Charisma + Leadership with a difficulty of the target's Willpower. The number of successes determines the duration of the Fealty oath, as follows:

Successes Duration
1 success 1 week
2 1 month
3 1 year
4 1 10 years
5+ 1 century per success above 4