Lessons in the Steel

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Discipline Techniques

Auspex 1, Fortitude 3

For many kindred warriors, the words of Nietzsche are words of wisdom: Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Some take this idea to a cunning if fanatical extreme, developing the mystical ability to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of an opponent by willingly suffering the enemy's blows. Knowledge is power, and any such Cainite wounded in this way is now gifted with power that may then be used against his enemy. This power was re-discovered from the mists of antiquity by members of the Sabbat's Black Hand sect.

System: In order to invoke this power, the character must first suffer an attack from an opponent that successfully inflicts a minimum of one health level of damage of any kind. Upon taking this wound, the character's player rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty of the attacker's Willpower). Each success on this roll allows him to uncover one piece of information about the attacker's martial capabilities, starting with the most relevant. For example, Aurora is hit by an enemy Brujah with a sword, suffering one level of lethal damage after her soak. She invokes this power, rolling two successes. First she learns that her attacker's blow was not simply luck (he has Melee 4), and with her additional success, learns that the damage inflicted was in fact a fluke (he has Potence 5). She can now expect any further blows he may land to hurt far more.

Experience Cost: 21