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Discipline Techniques

Requisite Disciplines: Presence 1, Dominate 1.

Description: This power allows the Ventrue to assess any single statement made by the subject and look for the essence of the subject's being beneath the words she speaks. The Ventrue needs to speak no words himself; he simply interprets the statement offered to him.

System: The player makes an Intelligence + Empathy roll (difficulty equal to the subject's Manipulation + Expression). With even a single success, the Ventrue determines the subject's Demeanor from the statement, finding profound meaning in the most common of utterances. This power works only upon living creatures - Kindred lack the spark that colors the words they speak.

Ok, this discipline technique is broken by being simply too weak to achieve even the simplest of its intents. It needs to tell the vampire more than demeanor, and Kindred should be affected by this power if the user spends a point of Willpower. -- Bruce (02/07/2014)

By "too weak to achieve even the simplest of its intents," do you mean that the disciplines evoked are not strong enough to achieve the goal? Presence/Dominate seems a bit off to me: I'd invoke Auspex 2 (base the power on a fleeting impression of the target's aura). Presence 1 might make sense - this is possibly a gauge of emotion. Therefore, I'd say it should be a Presence 1/Auspex 2, that rolls Int+Empathy (diff = target's WP, or possibly Manipulation + Subterfuge), and works on anything with a readable aura. -Jamie 3/21/14