Relentless Pursuit

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Potence 6

With this power, the Kindred becomes capable of truly impressive physical displays. He may leap from rooftop to rooftop over entire streets, jump to a fire escape a dozen feet over his head and other feats of athleticism. This is useful both for pursuit and evasion, but is quite a breach of the Masquerade should anyone see this power in use.

System: Characters without this power may leap a distance of two vertical feet or four horizontal feet per success on a Strength or Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 3; see Vampire the Masquerade, p. 202). With this power, the character can jump four feet vertically or six feet horizontally per dot of Potence he possesses, needing only to succeed on a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 4) to land correctly. If this last roll fails, circumstances dictate the results - the character may overshoot a building ledge or simply land less than gracefully.