Aura of Inescapeable Truth

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Discipline Techniques

Requisite Disciplines: Dominate 4, Presence 4

A vampire with this power can ensure that only truth is spoken in his presence. All beings who speak within earshot of the Cainite are incapable of telling a deliberate untruth while this power is active. Those who attempt to lie will choke on their own words, unable to speak. Those affected by this power may impart mistaken information if they are not aware that they are not telling the truth.
Use of this power is obvious to all whom it affects, and it in no way restricts them from leaving the area of effect. Once a target is no longer in the presence of the vampire, she is no longer affected.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Leadership with the difficulty equal to the highest Willpower score among all the targets being affected. Compare the results with the table, below. The player must also expend one point of Willpower for every three, or fraction of three, targets. If aura of Inescapeable Truth is used on Cainites, it affects only those of lesser generation than its user, as with other uses of Dominate.

1 Success: The next statement made by those affected must be truthful.
2 Successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the next full minute.
3 Successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the next 10 minutes.
4 Successes: Those affected must speak the truth for the remainder of the scene.
5 Successes: Those affected must speak the truth for as long as they stay in the user's presence.

Experience Cost: 28

According to the Road of Kings, Scions who have learned the technique True Tongue may apply the experience toward upgrading their ability to Aura of Inescapeable Truth.