Force of Personality

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Presence 6

This power takes the abilities granted by Majesty to a new level. The Cainite’s personality becomes so powerful that people are actually physically forced away from her.

System: The player spends a point of Willpower to activate Force of Personality and then rolls Charisma + Intimidation or Leadership (the player chooses which when this power is first purchased). The roll is then compared to the Willpower rating of each person in the character’s vicinity as a difficulty — most mortals have a Willpower rating of 2–3. Each success indicates one step that the person must take directly away from the character and also the difficulty of the Willpower roll needed to advance toward the character. Should a person be unable to retreat directly away from the character (due perhaps to a wall or a deep chasm), she still tries to move away in some direction. After the initial activation of this power, the area of the force shrinks to about six feet, which makes it a quick way to move through a crowd. In addition, the character has all the benefits of Majesty (Presence 5) while Force of Personality is in effect. Force of Personality lasts for one scene.

When first activating Force of Personality, the player may nominate any number of individuals who are simply affected by the Majesty — a wise thing to do when one has to have allies close by.