The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris

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Paris -P- Toreador

The influence of the Toreador was important, always, in France. But the control of Paris and the rest of the country was always divided between most of the Clans of the Kindred. Until Alexandre and Saviarre succeeded in becoming King and Queen of France, slowly extending their control over all France.

But Paris had been regularly ignored as a common city among others, either by the commercial or courtly world. But, since the execution of the Templar Jacques de Molay, on a pyre, Alexander slowly lost his mind, Saviarre taking the tentative control of France under the name of her Sire. But then, in its paranoia, Alexander ordered a massacre that decimed the Clan Toreador.

Paris had, then, an stealthy visitor in the person of Helena of Troy (See Citybook: Chicago by Night, 1 and 2nd Edition). She had come here investigating about the possible discovery of Menele's presence in France. Her childe, Beatrix, had little information to give her, but she had the time to tell her about Alexander's action.

Helena had little time to investigate, and was little inclined to lose her time when she could try to find her arch-enemy. Her gift to Paris was a poor, somewhat cynical, violent and most of all, genius poet: François Villon. Soon, Villon sided with the Anarchs, fighting the Ventrue Masters of France along with his friend, the Toreador who would be called Ivan.

In 1481, the Anarchs succeeded in destroying Alexander and Saviarre, and Beatrix, one of the most powerful remaining Elder, took the control of Paris. Secretly, she met with Villon to reach peace. Their bond was more than what could be hoped from the two childer of Helena. The two Toreador soon shared their dream of a Toreador land where art and bon goût reigned supreme. In 1493, the Convention of Thorn signs the peace between the new Camarilla and the Anarchs. Villon appear in full light, and to the horror of Parisian and even French Elders, he will be welcome by Beatrix, and will be offered to become her councilor.

In truth, this alliance will seal the beginning of the end of the control of the other Clans over France. Villon, along with his former anarch friends will imagine and enforce what will be known as the Hégémonie Toreador, taking most of the power from the French Princes.

The life at the French court will start to copy the Kindred salons, as the nobles will lighten their faces with withe powder, and copy the Esprit used by the Kindred walking among them. With the construction of Versailles, Beatrix will give Villon the Louvre. The two Kindred will continue to work for the betterment of the Clan, until 1789.

No one still really understand why it happened: The French people had known more severe winters, and were only in a common economic crisis. But some look, then, � the Brujah's influence, as well as the Toreador own, when promulgating the Age des Lumières when philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire added to the enlightenment of the populace.

Beatrix didn't survive the 1789 Revolution, and Villon was alone with the "Vision." Soon after, he came back, and wrestled hard, always with his friends, Ivan, Alexis and Elle, to take back the control of Paris, and soon after, of France: The Clan reached his real potential in 1804, when the Toreador Hegemony was enforced definitively.

Since then, the Clan Toreador, or the Clan of the Rose (Le Clan de la Rose) as they like to call themselves, is now simply the greatest Clan of France. Their numbers reach more than three times the numbers of any other Clan or Bloodline. They never lost their power over France, even in the World Wars, or following revolution, and the French Toreador have now as much influence over the Clan than, in different ways, of course, the Seven Elders of Vienna over the Clan Tremere: Few art reach fame among the mortals or the Kindred (or both) without approval of Villon and his clique...

But with numbers and power comes the dissension: Normally divided in two group all around the world, the Artistes and the Poseurs, the Toreador of France see four categories instead of two, from the more creative to the least to some, from the more pretentious the the least for others.

But whatever the division, the other Clans acknowledge the deadly combination of these four categories: If the Creators and Performers are the soul of the Clan, the Beauties have the most deadly Esprit of the capital (or of the world!), honed by centuries of intrigues, and so form a protective barrier to their Clan from other Clan's status based attacks. Even the Poseurs have a real utility, as they normally embraces a kind of unlife that is profitable to the Clan, as some of them turns to archeology, or become patron of arts, and so discovering new and ancient forms of art, alike.

The Creators: Les Créateurs

The following individuals are the embodiment of the leading virtues of the Clan. The Créateurs are those Toreador who create beauty and art, for future generations to know and appreciate them: Villon, who wrote his famous poems, or Lazlo, who paints beautiful masterpieces with color on canvas. Anyone can try to copy the works of a master artisan, but those gifted individuals who give life to soaring steeples, bring movement to motionless form in two and three dimensional media, or poets like Francois Villon whose verse set fire to the heart and the imagination, originate Art, and so, are the true and purest Toreador. They tend to concentrate their art through the Talent of Expression.

The Créateurs views on the other Toreador of Paris

The Performers: Ah... Without them, our Art would only be performed by machines. They add the final touch to our creations.
The Beauties: They are part of the furniture. They compensate their lack of creative talent by the perfection of their appearance. I don't know if it's a good thing. Should their number increase further, the soul of our Clan would be lost...
The Poseurs: Their chance is that they have something to do for us... They belong to the Clan, that's OK, but they should not brag around about it...
The Toreador Anarchs: There are two kinds of Toreador Anarch: The Old and the Young. The old anarchs are Poseurs who can't accept the realization that they are worthless creatures, that their Embrace was an horrible mistake. They hide their shame behind rebellion. The young anarchs want to believe they can change the world in one night. They don't understand we all had these dreams. While we understand them, and so, tolerate their "passing passion", the time they spend among the Brujah ruins their potential to create true art.

The Performers: Les Interpretes

The Interprètes are those with a special talent for some thing. Aïsha, who dances with so much passion that it moves others, is a performer. Alexis, a famous sword master, was embraced by a Toreador who had been charmed by his style, and is a performer. No one can copy them in their style. They are unique, is some genius way. Should Alexis create a magnificent and deadly combination of moves, and he will become a Creator. Should Dominique create a whole beautiful and dark symphony dedicated at his own lost of humanity, then he will become a creator. But until then, they remain performers. The Performers tend to express their Art through the Performance Skill.

  • -- Alexis Sokol; 7th Generation, a Russian weapons-master who eventually becomes the Master of the Veilleurs in Paris.
  • -- Audric St.Thierry -- "Master of the Game" -- 8th Generation progeny of Versancia and sire of L'Epuisette.
  • -- Dominique; 8th Generation progeny of Florient, master violinist and member of the Veilleurs.
  • -- Elizabeth Renault; 8th Generation progeny of Elle Nicoline, Sire of Thibault Emeric Couture.
  • -- Master Chan -- 8th Generation progeny of Alexis Sokol, a former mage of the Akashic Brotherhood and now a member of the Veilleurs.
  • -- Nathaniel Rachel; 9th Generation progeny of Marie, a master and instructor of modern dance, he is also a Veilleur.
  • -- L'Epuisette -- 9th Generation singer & childe of Audric St.Thierry - (deceased)
  • -- Thibault Emeric Couture; 9th Generation progeny of Elizabeth Renault and sire of both Marlène and Célène Fabrice. He is a painter of middle class origins, now disgraced and banished.
  • -- Marlene Fabrice; 10th Generation progeny of Thibault Emeric Couture.
  • -- Versancia; 7th Generation childe of Lazlo Guerin, Sire of Audric St. Thierry
  • -- Yorgues; 11th Generation progeny of Philippe d'Estrée and a gifted actor & comedian.
  • -- Aïsha; 8th Generation progeny of Garcia of Barcelona and sire of Valérie the Composer.
  • -- Violetta Desjardins -- Progeny of Villon, Actress, Enforcer

The Interprètes views on the other Toreador of Paris

The Creators: They have genius, yes, but they lack the innate talent we, performers, have. They don't want to admit it, but we are as much Toreador as they are. If they create from nothing but their soul, by sacrificing part of our own, we make the insipid become marvelous, and that is talent inspired.
The Beauties: Living (Unliving?) Art. While they don't have the soul of a True Toreador, their presence is inspiration for us.
The Poseurs: Their work is sometimes useful.
The Toreador Anarchs: Rebellion is a form of expression, and as such, the Anarchs can express themselves with creativity. But this creativity has a price: It creates disorder, and disorder tend to destroy art. It's not worth the risk. The sooner they will come back to the fold, the better for the world.

The Beauties: Les Beautés

Part of the Toreador think art should be eternal, for the future generations to remember and admire them. They feel real pleasure when seeing the Eiffel Tower, or the Egyptian pyramids, and thank every god they know the creator of those monuments made them nearly eternal. And they scoff at the ones who think that art could be ephemeral, as this form of art does nothing to elevate the illumination of the humanity. Those Toreador are the ones, through, behind the Embrace of a category of Poseurs called the Beauties. they argue that such beauty had to be saved, as any Oeuvre d'Art must be saved from Time's outrages. In some way, they say, they follow Villon's Edict by saving potential living artwork. The Beauties are less numerous than the two other categories, but still exists. Some believe they should be destroyed as they are not real Toreador. Other would answer no one destroys an Oeuvre d'Art, not even Kindred ones. The Beauties are part of the decorum, part of the museum. While they are shown as much respect as other Creators or Performers, they are held in contempt by the True Artistes. Elle is a good example of Beauty, and her control of mortal activities that promulgate the Art makes her a useful Toreador. Should the Intrigue be elevated as an Art, and should her talent for Intrigue be discovered, she would become a performer... Or even a Creator. Anyway, the Beauty are thinking or electing their own Duc, and if Ivan would have seemed a good candidate, his loyalty to Villon, his contemptuous behavior and his lack of social talent makes the Beauties looks for someone else... And Elle would be a good candidate... No need to say that the Toreador Performers and Creators will not like it at all, even if neglecting the fact that it will probably weaken the Clan, even if the number of Ducs is increased.

  • -- Aimé -- 6th Generation progeny of Beatrix and the Toreador court assassin.
  • -- Elle Emilie Nicoline; 6th Generation progeny of Francois Villon and sire of Alexis Sokol.
  • -- Emeline -- 9th Generation progeny of Charles Eric from the southern provinces of France.
  • -- Geneviève Orseau -- Toreador Elder of Paris
  • -- Ligeia -- 9th Generation.
  • -- Katya Illyana -- 13th Generation.
  • -- Marie -- Deceased.
  • -- Mathias -- 11th Generation.
  • -- Maxime -- Childe of Arnaud.
  • -- Richard D'Martel -- Childe of

The Beautés views on the other Toreador of Paris

The Creators: The so-called Creators are so full of themselves they don't even try to hear that their soul cry for our beauty. We are sentient, Living Artwork, and in a way, we are what they would like to create, but don't have the talent to.
The Performers: See the Creators.
The Poseurs: Good fellows. They do the work no one else in the Clan would want to do for the centuries to come.
The Toreador Anarchs: Worthless Neonates who all tried to take what they wanted from us, without enough wits to succeed. And now they cry out for injustice and rebellion. They will learn, or they will die opposing our intelligence and cunning.

The Poseurs (Ugly Ones): Les Poseurs (Laiderons)

The less numerous category, and the less liked by everyone. The Poseurs nicknamed the Laiderons (Ugly Ones) are the mortal whose Embrace is a fraud or a mistake. A Toreador victim of a derangement, or poor art judgement, some art experience that went wrong, or some artist who turned out to be a total fraud and who had been embraced before finding the courage to tell it to his immortal supporter. They are the ones who can't survive in the Clan should a purge be decided by the Creators and the Performers. So they work hard to become so useful the Clan can't anymore separate from them. Ivan is a good example of Laideron, even if no one tells it loudly for fear of his wrath. But his Masques are so useful to the Clan security no one would think about destroying him (even if they could do it, anyway...).

The Laiderons views on the other Toreador of Paris

The Creators: They have genius, but they should calm down their contempt, as it tarnish their artwork.
The Performers: The Performer are in the middle between the Beauties and the Creators. They simply don't want to admit it. I wonder if the Daughters of Cacophony were not Toreador Performers before forming their own Bloodline. If so, they found their right place. The others should do the same.
The Beauties: The Beauties look at us with as much contempt as the others, but they don't understand that the difference between us is only skin deep. They don't create, and in the difference with us, they do nothing productive for the Art or the Clan. They are the proof the Toreador Clan is as much about Appearance as Talent.
The Toreador Anarchs: The Anarchs are Artistes who disagree with the Artistes, so they join the enemy to make themselves appear important... Tsk, Tsk...

The Toreador Anarchs

Strangely (and perhaps because of Villon's past), the Toreador joining the Anarchs are simply thought as immature Toreador who must grow and learn before joining the Clan as mature Kindred. This contemptuous and tolerant position makes the position of Toreador Anarch really difficult as they are most of the time considered by their fellow Anarchs as superficial Kindred (thus, remaining Fugueurs).

The Fugueurs views on the other Toreador of Paris

The Creators: Full of contempt. They should open their eyes to see how much they are old and outdated.
The Performers: See the Creators.
The Beauties: See the Creators.
The Poseurs: See the Creators.

About Creativity and Art Appreciation...

You will see in any Toreador sheet these two Traits. They are central to the Toreador Clan, and so, were put in their own section.

Creativity is determined once for all at the creation. Roll one dice, subtract 3, and you have the Creativity rating. Zero or less means zero (and means your character is probably a Poseur).

To create Art, you must first find the original idea behind the creation. the Creation Roll Intelligence+Creativity. The success is ranged from 0 to 7 (different from the standard 0-5), and 3-4 Success is medium. The difficulty depends on the complexity of the work (but not always...).

The second roll is the production of the creation itself (writing the right notes, painting, drawing, etc.). The Roll is the suitable Attribute+Suitable Ability. The difficulty is up to the Storyteller (randomly or determined by choice). again, the range is from 0 to 7, and 3-4 is medium.

The final creation is then given two Traits: The Creativity and the Production. Artwork can spring from a totally original concept but can be poorly realized (thus destroying its value), or Artwork can be masterfully realized, but with a boring concept (most computer-based works are considered within this category).

To critique the works of others (one can't critique its own work, as it's assumed she already tried it in the creation/production stage), a roll of Perception+Art Appreciation must be succeeded. Again, the range is from 0 to 7, 3-4 giving a good appreciation of the work (with an error of 1).

While Creativity is a fixed Trait defined at the creation of the character, Art Appreciation is considered an Ability, which can be increased at the standard XP cost.

Credit to the Author:

Bruce's Opinion of the Toreador of Paris

The Creators
  • -- Francois Villon -- Childe of Helena, Prince of Paris & France. {Hey, its Francois! He is the star of the show and everyone knows him.} -- "The Magister 20:53, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Arnaud -- Childe of Francois Villon. {Yes he is cool, no doubt about it. But he just isn't Keeper of Elysium material. He is most like the Brujah Damien of Chicago.} -- "The Magister 20:53, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Bernard -- Childe of Francois Villon and Seneschal of Paris. {Every vampire prince needs a good office manager, especially if he or she has a solid military background.} -- "The Magister 20:53, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Lazlo Guerin -- Childe of Raphael de Corazon, Duc of the Toreador. {A likely poseur, but he has UNESCO in his back pocket. Winner - winner - Chicken Dinner!} -- "The Magister 20:57, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Athanasios -- Childe of Marekasha. {A great character for neonates to meet without the slightest idea just how badass he is. Manus Nigrum elder for sure.} -- "The Magister 20:59, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Carla Gagnon -- Childe of Arnaud. {Cool she might be, but this Lasombra antitribu isn't going to be able to pull off being a Toreador no matter how much artistic skill she has, one walk down the Hall of Mirrors at Versaille and she is blown. And Francois would be an idiot to let his childe fall for a Magister. Why not just give her the throne and retire?} -- "The Magister 21:03, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Chevalier d'Eglantine -- 7th Generation childe of Bernard and the Sheriff of Paris. {In my opinion, one of the most original Toreador and every city needs a sheriff that can put the fear of god in the neonates and riff-raff.} -- "The Magister 21:05, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Merevith -- 8th Generation {There isn't much written about Merevith, so I cannot form anything like an opinion, but she has a beautiful name.} -- "The Magister 21:08, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Philippe d'Estrée -- 10th Generation. {Phil is alright, a normal vampire. A wannabe painter with knack for recovering lost or stolen art. Kinda...National Treasure meets True Blood. Poseur} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Nicolas Baudine -- 11th Generation. {A Toreador reporter? Very slick! If he wants an exclusive, he will probably get it and the news is more fiction than fact anyway. Poseur} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Raphaëla -- 11th Generation. {A pretty poet girl grows up to serve as a undead secret service agent. A trope, but from what I have read, she is a key player and plot device. Thumbs up. Stunted Artiste} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Alain -- ?th Generation. {?????} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Marc -- ?th Generation. {A former Roman slave Embraced by an ancient master. An improbable story, he should have died in the Dark Ages...Sabbat Wannabe} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Valérie -- ?th Generation. {Every Toreador story needs a gifted, but ultimately doomed artiste. The part about Arikel seems like a weak plot device. Artiste} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Vivien -- ?th Generation. {Hey! Someone Embraced Stephen King! Seriously, he is a very good character. A study in the dark side of Toreador passion and the kind of individual that your hero loves to hate. Twisted Artiste} -- "The Magister 21:25, 16 September 2016 (MDT)"
The Performers
  • -- Alexis Sokol; 7th Generation, a Russian weapons-master who eventually becomes the Master of the Veilleurs in Paris. {Let me see, a Russian sword-master is Embraced by by a Toreador, who flees to Paris to become the second in command to the Prince of the city, even through he is another's childe, but when they have a falling out he flees to Egypt where alone in the dessert he breaks into a previously unknown pyramid and translates Hieroglyphs before Jean François Champollion is born, but who will eventually become his childe, after which he becomes the head of mystical cabal that protects the Toreador and Paris with the help of a Methuselah. -- Alexandre Dumas would turn over in his grave! Balderdash! Which is a shame after all, because he is a central character of the counter plot that should be protecting Paris from the Followers of Set. Edit his Ass!!!!!} -- "The Magister 00:00, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Audric St.Thierry -- "Master of the Game" -- 8th Generation progeny of Versancia and sire of L'Epuisette. {Audric is without question Edmond Dantès, the Count of Monte Cristo. A character Alexandre Dumas would favor and he makes for an interesting Toreador. A harpy and a poseur, but likable none-the-less. Just don't become the object of his revenge...} -- "The Magister 01:06, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Dominique; 8th Generation progeny of Florient, master violinist and member of the Veilleurs. {Dominique is obviously a character prototype, a kind of Lestat wannabe having learned violin from a gypsy. But his story becomes compelling when he abandons his mortal family for the Roma gypsies and when he is selected for the Embrace by Florient, only for his sire to be murdered by a jealous Villon that same night. He is a confused artiste, but really has no place among the Veilleurs.} -- "The Magister 12:59, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Master Chan -- 8th Generation progeny of Alexis Sokol, a former mage of the Akashic Brotherhood and now a member of the Veilleurs. {Taken at first glance, this character is one large trope, but while the character is something of a stereotype seen throughout the World of Darkness, there is something of value in his character. Most importantly, here is the only valid Veilleur that I have seen so far. In my opinion, while Alexis probably Embraced him, it is Master Chan who is the head of the Veilleurs. He is a poseur, but key to the survival of Paris and its Kindred court.} -- "The Magister 13:10, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Nathaniel Rachel; 9th Generation progeny of Marie, a master and instructor of modern dance, he is also a Veilleur. {Finally, a true Toreador!!! Nathaniel was groomed from childhood for classical dance and only the interference of one of the undead could have ended such a promising career. What does he do? He turns to modern dance and while he fails to become an 80s great, he inspires his sire Marie to Embrace him. He has mortal ties in the form of his mortal daughter, her mother - former lover and his place of business - a school of modern dance. He belongs to a coterie and has a older Toreador enemy. His is an artiste. Three thumbs up from Siskel, Ebert and Me!} -- "The Magister 13:37, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- L'Epuisette -- 9th Generation singer & childe of Audric St.Thierry - (deceased) {Poor dead L'Epuisette! She inspired us with her breathtaking voice. If it ended there, that would be fine, but neither her sire, nor the Sabbat will likely let her rest in peace. Such a shame. She was a gifted artiste thrust into impossible circumstances and died tragically. Very old world Toreador.} -- "The Magister 13:37, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Thibault Emeric Couture; 9th Generation progeny of Elizabeth Renault and sire of both Marlène and Célène Fabrice. He is a painter of middle class origins, now disgraced and banished. {Thibault, Thibault, Thibault...the original Sick Puppy. He is clearly a key player in the grand conspiracy and as it happens one of the better Toreador of Paris. Burned out & Twisted Artiste.} -- "The Magister 14:47, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Marlene Fabrice; 10th Generation progeny of Thibault Emeric Couture. {A classic example of how women were at best second class citizens in the 19th century. Hers is a tragic story of neglect and sexual abuse by person in a position of trust. That such horrors continued into undeath is...monstrous. One could say she is the product of her sire's evil obsessions, but there is always free will to consider. In addition she has become a victim of whatever dark Egyptian sorcery has pervaded Paris. While redemption is always possible, she seems to be a monster pure and simple. She is a twisted artiste. Nothing a wooden stake through the heart and five gallons of gasoline wouldn't fix, someone call the Society of Leopold please...} -- "The Magister 14:47, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Versancia; 7th Generation childe of Lazlo Guerin, Sire of Audric St. Thierry. {?????} -- "The Magister 14:56, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Yorgues; 11th Generation progeny of Philippe d'Estrée and a gifted actor & comedian. {Yorgues is both an actor and a comedian. A Toreador with a sense of humor!?! He owns his own theater and is heavily involved with the theater community. He has in the past formed coteries with both Caitiff and Brujah. I think he is great! He and Simon move in the same circles and might very well be friends. Artiste} -- "The Magister 14:56, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Aïsha; 8th Generation progeny of Garcia of Barcelona and sire of Valérie the Composer. {Aïsha is an old Toreador, obviously a artiste, but also she seems to be searching for Golconda. While she is a complicated character, I find her somehow compelling. What I don't understand is why she is still in Paris. She seems to have no real emotional ties to the Toreador of Paris save for her childe Valérie. I can see her as becoming the Inconnu monitor for the city in return for their guidance along the path of Golconda. A phenomenal Artiste who has finally entered a century when her sex has finally received their allotted due.} -- "The Magister 14:56, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
The Beauties
  • -- Aimé -- 6th Generation progeny of Beatrix and the Toreador court assassin. {An elder Toreador, and court assassin Embraced by Beatrix and now serving as the bodyguard of Villon. A valid, if very old character, especially for his line of work. Obviously he is a poseur and probably has a very low humanity, not to mention that he is also a known diablerist and a dedicated enemy of Clan Assamite. A very, very dangerous man...} -- "The Magister 15:27, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Elle Emilie Nicoline; 6th Generation progeny of Francois Villon and sire of Alexis Sokol. {I suppose that it is realistic, that in a city so long under the influence of the Toreador that there would be several Toreador elders Embraced during the reign of the Sun King. From a pragmatic point of view, if you want a competent spy master, you should chose one and train her from childhood. In all other ways, she is clearly a poseur, but a very important part of Villon's court and in my humble opinion, the woman behind the throne, if not the actual force behind the Masques. A very dangerous woman...} -- "The Magister 15:42, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Emeline -- 9th Generation progeny of Charles Eric from the southern provinces of France. {A provincial dressmaker is plucked from obscurity and thrust into immortality. The victim of her sire's poor taste and unstable lusts, she becomes an embarrassment and is sent off to Paris. There is more than a little of Victor Hugo in her story, but if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then hers is a worthy story. From rags to richs, the seamstress rises to become the miss-manners harpy of Paris. Poseur.} -- "The Magister 15:53, 19 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Ligeia -- 9th Generation. {The Toreador the inspired Edgar Alan Poe in all his works, this alone would mark her out from other Toreador in Paris. But this American Toreador has been branded a poseur by her Parisian Kindred probably out of jealousy. She moved from the ranks of the creators to the beauties by jumping feet first into the modeling industry, going so far as to procure for Prince Villon himself. In my opinion, the lady Elle, should be concerned that this Harpy might try to displace her, such would seem to be Ligeia's ambition.} -- "The Magister"
  • -- Katya Illyana -- 13th Generation. {Katya is an interesting Toreador. A beautiful Russian prostitute drawn into the Cold War bedroom politics of Franco-Russian diplomacy. The classic honey-pot was offered a way out by becoming one of the undead. It's a case of Bram Stoker meets Le Carre in Paris. A very intriguing candidate for the Embrace, no pun intended. She would have been an ideal choice for indoctrination into the Masques , but some how Ivan dropped the ball and now she serves the Followers of Set. Proof that inattentiveness can lead to mistakes that eventually come back to haunt you. She is a sexy poseur.} -- "The Magister 16:12, 22 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Marie -- Deceased. {Marie - A pretty, but ultimately brainless Toreador beauty Embraces an attractive, witty and very intelligent mortal named Mathias. She then has the decency to die the Final death, which would be just another in a long line of examples that strongly suggest that there is a Darwinian principle in play, even among the undead. However, given the nature of vampiric struggles and the French obsession with romance, there is another likely scenario to explore. Its possible, even likely that pretty, pretty Marie just wasn't smart enough to see the signs of another Kindred in Mathias' life, one who in all likelihood had marked out Mathias for the Embrace. Given the young man's intelligence and studies in economics, perhaps this theoretical potential sire was a Ventrue who became incensed when Marie on a lark, Embraced his or her soon to be childe and Marie's death was really just retribution, plain and simple. Either way, its seems only Mathias will miss Marie and if she was indeed murdered (a likely circumstance among the undead), then the killer's trail has long grown cold. "Bye - Bye Marie, we will miss you...."} -- "The Magister 19:09, 22 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Mathias -- 11th Generation. {A future finance shark with a sense of humor, good looks and a vendetta against those who killed his sire -- "You go gett'em tiger!"} -- "The Magister 23:01, 26 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Maxime -- Childe of Arnaud. {Maxime was a lounge singer during the Roaring 20s, until his sire made the decision to Embrace him and ruined his inspiration. While its a sad story, it is all too common among gifted mortals turned Toreador too soon. Maxime turned bitter and selfish, over the next century -- more or less -- and he turned all his effort to controlling the music business in France. However, he didn't just stop there, he has dipped his toes into the French movie industry, entertainment trade magazines, and the entertainment business trade unions. While he is without question a poseur, he is also one of the richest and most corrupt men in France's entertainment industry. Yet his corruption seems pretty mundane, he makes a dark, if enviable Ventrue and probably doesn't care that such things are said about him. Like all his friends in the Clan of the Rose, he loves beautiful women, singers especially who he uses and abuses at will. The only thing that stands out about him, beyond his degree of avarice, is his alliance with the Daughters of Cacophony bloodline.} -- "The Magister 23:15, 26 September 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Richard D'Martel -- Childe of {The story of Richard is one of scheming and manipulation, and it comes as no surprise that over the last few centuries he has clawed his way almost to the top. It is clear that his ambition has no limit, while he currently schemes to become the second Duc of Clan Toreador, I doubt if it will satisfy him long. If I were Prince Villon, I would keep a very attentive eye on this ruthless little poseur. Of course he is also the lover the city's chief Setite, which leaves the only real question: Who is using whom more? This poseur should have been Embraced into the clan of shadows, but then black roses are a novelty, are they not?} -- "The Magister 23:30, 26 September 2016 (MDT)"
The Laiderons (poseurs)
  • -- Ivan St. Martin -- 7th Generation, Grand Master of the Masques. {Ah, the much vaunted 'le grand maître' of the Masques; he is one part Hercule Poirot and two parts Judge Dredd. Not so much a man as the embodiment of French Law, especially the vampiric Traditions. While he may be just (I doubt it), it is often said in private salons all over Paris that he is without conscience or empathy (far more believable). Still no man or vampire is so quintessentially one dimensional, somewhere beneath that soulless exterior lies some human or humane sentiment, but unlike the Harry Stamper protagonist of the 1998 Armageddon film, I am not a deep core driller and thus avoid 'le grand maître' whenever possible. Grandmaster Poseur.} -- "The Magister 17:37, 10 October 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Christian -- 8th Generation Masque et Infant de Ivan. {Christian, the famous, some would say infamous childe of Ivan St. Martin, is the grandmaster's pet hacker. Now going by his nick name Ian, he has started to clandestinely meet with the anarchs, which doesn't seem to bode well for his future. Known on the street and throughout the Internet as: 'seigneur de guerre en ligne' or in English as: Virtual Warlord, he clearly aspires to be Crash Override from the 1995 film 'Hackers', but with a macro sized computer-chip on his shoulder, his correct sobriquet would be: 'Zero Cool'. The sins of the father and all that...le petite poseur.} -- "The Magister 19:06, 10 October 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Jean François Champollion -- 8th Generation, Paladin Veilleur. {Mon Dieu! Of the dozen or so Toreador in Paris who truly deserve to be immortal, Champollion's worth will be measured for centuries to come. While it is hard to call him a artiste, it is equally hard to call him a poseur; it might have behooved Clan Toreador to have given the boon of his Embrace to Clan Tremere. For myself, the opportunity to meet one of the greatest minds in history is thrilling. Je salue Champollion.} -- "The Magister 19:48, 10 October 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Myriam Van Rompu -- 8th Generation, Veilleur. {Ok, now I know that other White Wolf chronicles in other cities, and nations have their own strangeness; for years I thought it was just our gaming group that suffered occult weirdness and strange plot lines. Still, having played a sophisticated occultist willing to push the envelope in Necromancy, I can see the value of mystically hijacking this young Toreador to turn the tables on the Followers of Set. But, and I use that word strongly, Meryt-Neith plays a most dangerous game, for such mystical bonds have a tendency to work both ways...and if she isn't careful, she could be playing right into the serpentine clutches of the Parisian Temple of Set.} -- "The Magister 20:14, 10 October 2016 (MDT)"
  • -- Simon le Gris -- 10th Generation American Poseur {I feel like FBI Special Agent Elizabeth Keen from the Blacklist, when she is asked in the first episode to analyze herself. Here goes, Simon is a complex character, who initially rebels against the sophisticated, ego centric, night society of the Parisian Toreador out of pure stubbornness. A smarter man, or vampire, would have seen the way the prevailing wind was blowing and move on to greener pastures. But not Simon, he decides to out do the Parisian Toreador by adapting to their convoluted society and thereby verifying their values while pretending to flaunt them. He has put himself in a precarious position by becoming the butt of the Toreador court, doing so, he has managed to survive the cruelties of the court by filling the very necessary role of court jester. Unfortunately, court jesters usually have a short self-life and while he has been an amusement to the court now for forty years, his shtick is probably starting to wear thin. Regardless of whether he still holds comedic value, once he embarks on a subversive move to eliminate two of their own, they will likely cease to be amused and search for ways to drive him out of Paris, if not kill him outright. Ironically, I think Simon is the most humane version of me and thus, most reflects the person I would like to be, ethically - should be.
  • The other doppelgangers are representative of either certain stages of my life or idealized versions of myself, even Blake, perhaps Blake most of all. Obviously, Simon isn't my favorite doppelganger, but that might be because he isn't specifically designed to be mobile or gifted in such a way that he can successfully circumvent the system of Kindred society. But, there is far more challenge and pathos to be found in playing Simon. His unique status as a temporal doppelganger is mostly irrelevant among the egotistical fashionista hedonists of the Parisian Toreador, who considered him a freak just for being American. What grips me is that his outsider status is probably the most realistic scenario in the oh-so-cliquish night society of Paris. That he would identify with and be considered welcome by the city's low clans, anarchs, and even its Sabbat is pivotal to his life's story. Simon works hard to maintain his humanity and just be himself, unconsciously however, he has come to see Paris as his home, himself as Parisian, and thus he seeks to remain a part of its grand tapestry.
  • The crux of Simon's dilemma is this, he seeks the most difficult thing imaginable in Paris, not acceptance, but grudging acknowledgement from Clan Toreador. That kind of acknowledgement amounts to validation, as anyone who has ever been in a debate or a family fight intrinsically understands, the most unlikely and difficult outcome of any such conflict is simple validation. In any given disagreement, winning isn't enough, one individual must come to the conclusion that the other individual is right and they are inherently wrong, anything less just continues the disagreement at a later date. While Simon can curry favor with the court, or plot against it with its enemies, even use violent means to overthrow it, the one thing he cannot do is let the disagreement end without the court's validation. It is after all, a very hard road, being the loyal opposition in Paris.} -- "The Magister 20:57, 10 October 2016 (MDT)"
Toreador Anarchs
  • -- Edmond
  • -- Edouard
  • -- Celene Fabrice -- 10th Generation progeny of Thibault Emeric Couture. {'} --
  • -- Vivian Daremont -- Childe of Lea Nox. {'} --
  • -- Frederic T. Moassy -- 13th Generation. {'} --
  • -- Jimmy Agrelday -- Childe of Celene Fabrice {'} --
  • -- Léa Nox -- Childe of Maxime, Sire of Vivian Daremont. {Tout le monde doit être séduit par sa voix mielleuse. Once every every few generations, a single voice rises like a cry to heaven from the myriad voices of any given century, to define that age. At the end of the twentieth century, that voice belonged to Léa Nox and like the heroine of a Gothic romance novel, we were all moved to imagine her not as a woman, but rather as a legend. The French cross between Amy Lee and Lizzy Hale, her stirring vocals and evocative lyrics set the youth of Paris, France and all of Europe aflame with a renewed sense of passion. But the muse of Paris was plagued by personal tragedy and the cruel isolation of success, like so many before her she began a self destructive spiral that nearly ended in her tragic death. That was until the appearance of a dark angel, an immortal savior, a vampire called Maxime -- her greatest fan. Sometimes...Anne Rice does get to play god. Pour le vampire avec la voix d'un ange, tout mon amour. Tous grêle, Léa Nox, fille de la nuit.} -- "The Magister 20:13, 11 October 2016 (MDT)"

Who Embraced Who -- The 43 Toreador of Paris

  • - Raphaela - Childe of Marcella (Italy)