Violetta Desjardins

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Toreador -P- Paris -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris

Toreador violetta of paris.png

Appearance: Violetta is captivating in every way and is easily one of the most beautiful Kindred in the world. She is of Spanish heritage and is slightly olive in complexion. Her strait black hair has purplish highlights. Her eye are perhaps her most compelling feature and are a light violet hue. She only wears the finest and most expensive clothing and is always at the forefront of fashion. Some whisper that she has faerie blood. She also appears more human than most Kindred. She exudes a great air of authority and few challenge her opinion on anything. Violetta travels with her coterie, which consists predominately, but not exclusively, of Toreador artistes.

Behavior: At the tender age of 800, Violetta realizes that sometimes she is still a junior player in the games of the Jyhad. Although her capabilities have launched her into one of the most powerful positions within the Camarilla, occasionally, she still experiences moments of uncertainty when moving against novel players or the true masters of the game, the Methuselahs. Over the centuries, Violetta has grown to become one of the world's most ardent sensualists, more so, she considers this one of her greatest strengths. There are few people, whom she cannot bring around to her way of seeing things. Violetta is a great admirer of the finer things in both the world of the living and the night-society of the unliving. When occasionally pushed to questionable deeds, Violetta has the capacity to comfort herself that what she does serves the interests of both Kindred and kine. Of course, she also has her own agendas, that have little or nothing to do with the Jyhad.

History: The daughter of nobility and changeling kin, Violetta flouted convention at an early age by becoming an actress. (Females were not allowed on the stage at that time.) Despite the sensation this caused, she became successful throughout France and Spain. She quickly came to the attention of Francois Villon (now Prince of Paris), then little more than a neonate himself. The two conducted a torrid love affair before Villon Embraced her. Despite their initial sire/childe relationship, Violetta quickly proved herself Villon's equal and has even surpassed him in some ways. The two are no longer lovers, but maintain a cordial relationship. Violetta took up with the Gangrel Geoffrey Leigh during the late 1400s and he remains her most permanent and consistent lover. Violetta is something of a vampiric prodigy and quickly impressed the Founders with her abilities. She is now, one of the primary forces within the European Camarilla.

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