Celene Fabrice

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Toreador -P- Paris -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris -P- Marlene Fabrice

Toreador Celene Fabrice.jpg

Sobriquet: Poupounette (Doll Girl)

Appearance: Celène is a beautiful young woman with short golden hair, ice-blue eyes and slender silhouette. Her clothes and make-up are typical of Anarchs: black Leather Jacket, jeans, etc.

Behavior: She is normal, and in some way plain. While not uninteresting, men will overlook her among the more seductive and beautiful women she likes to be with (other Kindred, most of them Toreador). She likes to talk about music, songs, poems, and Philosophy and politics, and few among those who don't have the same interests will talk with her very long.

History: Célène was born, few minutes after her twin sister, Marlène in 1882, in the northern france. Her parents, and her brothers and sisters were miners in a charcoal mine, near Lille. She would have followed them if an mining accident (Coup de Grisou) had not killed her whole family, letting her and her sister alone, two lone 12 years old girl with a pretty, if somewhat emaciated face, and beautiful voices.

They arrived in Paris to find an uncle who could help them. This uncle was somewhat rich, and sometimes gave money to her family to avoid starvation. This rich uncle was, in truth, nothing more than a pander working as a barman in a gloomy café of Paris.

But the twins were family, and so, he fed them as long as they worked for him, buying food, cleaning the room where they all slept and washing their clothes. It was at that time he discovered their true talent: He was despairing about his conscience that prevented him of using them as a prostitutes, as their pretty looks would have earned a lot of money (and he knew some perverse that would have liked to put their hands on two beautiful twins...) when he heard them singing.

He found them a café to perform, and soon some money entered their lives. But money didn't come alone.

A dark man started to frequent the little Cabaret where they performed, and started to investigate their past. Marlène told Célène about a brutal discussion where she saw their uncle told the man the girls were his alone, and that he would not let them go.

The man visibly never was convinced by the uncle's sincerity, and offered him money for some time with with his beloved daughters. A lot of money.

The girls were twenty-years old, and they would soon go away, letting him without the income they represented... After all he had done for them, they could at least... They owed it to him... The uncle accepted, and so, two times a week, a carriage came to take them to the mysterious man's home.

At first, he only asked them small things, like sing for him, of for his guests. They learned the man's name was Thibault. Thibault was in truth a Toreador whose creativity was decreasing, and who was trying to find new insights in forbidden pleasures, and for four weeks, subtle uses of Dominate and Presence insurred their cooperation for nothing more than be cooperativer guests (and herd) in some soirées given by the Cour. Soon, he realized, the twins were attracting the attention of the Kindred, and Thibault had to keep them with him all the time, to be sure that none would find them to have any influence over them.

The uncle had misgivings about giving his daughters to a total stranger, and asked more money to keep his mouth shut. He died, hung in his chamber, after having shut all accesses from the interior. While the police found this death suspect, they had no other way but the suicide: No one but a mouse could have exited without letting at least one access opened...

With the death of their uncle, the twins could do nothing less than succumb to the man's twisted desires. Inspired by Theti-Sheri, Thibault now explored the realms of pain and humiliation, but he needed subject with more resistance than simple Ghouls. So he asked Villon the right to Embrace them. Villon gave him the right to Embrace only one, asking him to wait some years and the increase of Paris' population.

Marlène was selected to be the first, and Célène was momentarily protected from Thibault's most twisted experiences. But nothing had prepared her for the horrible things that was happening to Marlène, and that she was telling her... And with the time going, with some kind of twisted pride... Until one night, when her Kindred twin's mind apparently broke...

Thibault was saddened by the apparent autism of Marlène, and thought about destroying her, but then, Villon, sent a letter were he gave him the right to Embrace Célène; Thibault turned his attentions to the other twin, and the night after her Embrace, was called to the Louvre, at a soirée, with his two Childer, to present them to the Kindred society.

Strangely, the same night, Marlène recovered from her apparent appathy, and was presented, with her twin, to the Kindred of Paris. Still, a Brujah called Ernian, discovered the bad treatement suffered by Malrène, and asked Villon to free her, and her twin from Thibault's influence. Thibault was outraged by this interference, and told Ernian to keep to his own affairs. Villon, seeing his gift was used to keep an herd of Kindred slaves to feed up the twisted desires of another Kindred, would have killed him if he was not Toreador, and if his Art had not moved him in the past. So Marlène and Célène were given full Kindred status and freed from Thibault's influence, while he suffered, him, a loss of Toreador Prestige.

To overcome the Blood Bond that held them in thrall to Thibault, the two sisters drank each other's Vitae for years until, powered up by their sisterly (twin) love and Vitae exchange, the Blood Bond was severed and replaced by a Blood Bond for each other.

Few years after, in the World War II, the two sister went to their separate ways. Thibault's condition appeared to have worsened, much to the pleasure of Marlène. Célène went her own way, deciding the Elders were corrupt bastards, and turned, naturally, to the Anarchs, who were hiding, preparing for their return.

In Mai 68', when the Anarchs and the Clan Brujah attacked Paris, Marlène and Célène went to war. The first remained, much to the surprise of her sister, with the Camarilla Elders, while the second went with the Brujah and the Anarchs.

Since then, she has great status among the Brujah and the Anarchs, while being considered an Anarch by the Camarilla, all to the contrary of her twin sister. Still, the two still love each other.

Since then, Célène hangs with the Anarchs, and can be found at the Psaume 69. \

Marlene and Celene keep a haven near Place Dalida.

Recent Events: Célène is the twin sister of Marlène, who became one of the unwilling pawns of the Corruption of Paris.

The deep relation between the twin sisters is what protects Marléne from further corruption.

As the two are twins, some interesting situation could arise...

She developed a deep friendship with Banshee, and the two are planing to create a song for the two to sing in the Psaume 69.