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Toreador -P- Paris -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris


Sobriquet: Aime

Appearance: Aimé's slender frame is an appearance. He has muscles honed for speed and deadly precision, and it shows when he isn't clothed. He has blue eyes with a deadly expression and a cruel smile on his mouth. He likes to wear white when in simple soirée, and wear black when going for a kill. Anyway, his clothing is always perfectly tailored specialy for him by Arnaud.

Behavior: Beatrix used more and more his talent as Assassin in her last decades. It cost Aimé the last of his Humanity. He has now difficulties to keep control of himself. Still, he makes massive use of Willpower, but once and again an Edler was attacked by the Assassin after too much use of Esprit against him. This is a double edged sword, as now few dare to attack him verbally, but in the same time his status among the Cour decreased. It stabilized when some Courtisans realized, after a Sabbat War party that wanted to try some french Vitae, that Aimé's presence meant more security.

This influenced Aimé's psyche: Half the time he believes that everyone hold him in high respect, while the other time, depression take over as he realizes that half the courtisanes fears him, and that despite appearance, he is now outside the games of the Cour...

History: The first time Aimé appeared at the court of Louis the 14th, also known as the Sun King, he had taken the place of a noble who had died by accident when coming to Paris. The Baron was asking for the help of the french administration for some swamp that was plaguing his population. Louis had removed the swamps of Versailles to build his magnificient palace, so he would probably help those poor peasants...

But now, Aimé had other plans: The court was his objective. He had heard so much about its wonders, its wealth, the lustful and dangerous courtisanes, the cavalier and bon vivant courtisans. He had to live among them.

And he succeeded.

But soon after, he saw the intrigues running deep under the apparent tempest of the court's affairs. One man seemed to play the same game. The man threatened to be a serious rival, so Aimé had no other choice but removing him...

Manipulating events like a master of intrigue, planning his murder with passion and dedication, Aimé succeeded in isolating the man in a old mansion, where he believed a woman would meet him. Women were the weaknesses of such people, Aimé knew it...

the problem is that the sword in the heart should have killed this man... What was his name? De Viyon... François de Viyon. The Toreador Ancillae removed casually the sword, looking at the assassin wannabe with a mix of bore and amusement. This Aimé fled at all speed, and was really surprised to open the exit door and find this Viyon behind it.

So fast Aimé could only imagine most of the movements, Viyon knocked him out.

The next time he opened his eyes, he was back at Versailles. Louis was there, standing, different from the Louis Aimé knew. Submitted. Polite. With an air of adoration for the beautiful woman seaten on the cushion chair. At her side was the man he had tried to murder, talking with her. When he looked back, he saw a man with so much confidence in himself it shown in his gray eyes. The woman presented herself as Beatrix. Her companion was François Villon. The menacing man was Ivan.

Aimé was surprised to see they ware talking about what would be made of him. The woman, through, seemed to be in command, and she was reading his personal journal! He always knew it was a mistake to write down his life and all his actions (including his murders), but he didn't believe it would save his life!

The woman seemed pleasantly charmed by his style, and by the intrigue. The novel has its charms she had said. Villon had answered that he had some limited talent, but nothing more.

This night, Beatrix embraced him, choosing him to become her bodyguard.

The following century was greta indeed for Aimé. Being Kindred was good. But Beatrix started to become more and more paranoid. In the same time, a new rivalry was birthing between him and Villon's right hand, Ivan. Still, Aimé acquired new powers, and became Beatrix's own assassin, removing dangerous enemies from her sight, and protecting the Toreador Hegemony.

Things went wrong at the revolution. Beatrix searched to flee Paris, while Villon still believed this could be controled. Aimé had been sent to remove a dangerous Brujah who was thought to help the revolution from Italy. At his return, he learnt Beatrix had been destroyed. He went, then, in hiding, waiting for opportunities.

Villon came back very soon in Paris taking the power in 1805. The same night, Aimé appeared at the Cour, claiming allegiance to the new Prince of France. Villon considered the Assassin too much dangerous to be let loose, and had enough confidence on his own Auspex to give him back his old position as Bodyguard of the Prince. Aimé had thought to have framed in some way his bitter rival, but Ivan accepted this without any problem. Aimé realized after Ivan was to become the Grand Maître of the Masques.

Since then, Aimé is the bodyguard of Villon, and already Diablerized two Assamites, one sent to destroy Villon, and one sent to destroy him. He had proved his own valor, but still, he thinks (rightly) he is considered as a simple retainer, in the contrast to Ivan, Alexis and Lazlo. He is even surprised to see Elle receive too much attention for her true worth.

Recent Events:

Notes: Aimé had been targeted by the Assamite, but the attempt had failed. He is now officially protected. Still, as he works actively to protect Paris from the Kindred assassins' presence, he does not believe he is safe from further attacks.

His contempt for the Assamite is well known. He once declared publicly that he believed the Gangrel were better suited to this kind of work than were the Assamite... It takes his true meaning when one realizes the contempt the Toreador felt at the time for the lowly Gangrel...

Actual Aim: To win back the trust of the Cour. To win more control over himself. To protect Villon and the ones the Prince chooses from harm. To make Ivan's life miserable without appearing to do so (Ivan is one of the few Kindred Aimé truely fears...).


       Aimé is periodically out of Paris for assassination for the Prince or even the Camarilla's Inner Council (False: Only the Ancillae believe this to be true...)
       Aimé is in truth an Assamite (False). 
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Credit to the Authors: