Brenda's Statistics: Difference between revisions

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:[[Eldritch Beacon]] - A Sabbat enchantment that marks out a target for wraith.
:[[Eldritch Beacon]] - A Sabbat enchantment that marks out a target for wraith.
:[[Evil Eye]] - A a simple verbal curse that penalizes a target; this ritual can be cast in combat.
:[[Evil Eye]] - A a simple verbal curse that penalizes a target; this ritual can be cast in combat.
:[[Final Sight]] -
:[[Final Sight]] - A ritualized version of the level one path power of Sepulchre.
:[[Fire of Hades]] -
:[[Fire of Hades]] -
:[[Incense of Hekate]] - A necromantic, detect magic ritual.
:[[Incense of Hekate]] - A necromantic, detect magic ritual.

Revision as of 06:26, 11 October 2015

Brenda Maier

Circa: 2042 C.E.
Last Modified: 2042 C.E. / "The Magister 14:45, 27 May 2015 (MDT)"
Experience: 2xp (Monday - June 18th, 2012) + 182xp for your 26year downtime from 2005 - 2031 C.E. -- Bruce (01/31/14)
Maturation Points: 6pts (for downtime from 1999 - 2004) + 5 additional maturation points for your 26 year downtime from 2005 to 2031 C.E. -- Bruce (01/31/14)

Clan: Nagaraja.gif
Generation: 7th
Sire: Master Jagdish - Lord of the World
Embrace: 1997
Apparent Age:28


Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Performance 2, Security 1, Stealth 4, Survival 1, Demolitions 2, Blood Prep 3,Photography 1,Body Crafts 2,Herbalism 1,Toxicology 1
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computers 2, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Law 0, Linguistics 4, Medicine 4, Occult 4, Politics 0, Science 3,Rituals 5,Thanatology 5,Enigmas 2,Chemistry 1
Other:Memory 3,Fire Dancing 1
Lore:Kindred 3,Wraith 3,Lupine 1,Rio 2, Naja Raja 1,Mummy 2,


Auspex 5
Celerity 2
Chimerstry 1
Dominate 3
Fortitude 2
Necromancy 5
Potence 2
Presence 2
Obfuscate 2
Vicissitude 3
Obtenebration 5
Thaumaturgy 1

Necromancy Paths

Sepulchre Path 5 Primary -- See: {Nigrimancy} for the system describing the mental struggle with Wraiths.
Path of the Corpse 5 Secondary
Vitreous Path 3
The Grave's Decay 2
The Path of Bones
Cadaverous Animation

Thaumaturgic Paths

Biothaumaturgic Experimentation 1

Necromancy Rituals

Level 1
Blood of Cerberus - A tracking spell that requires animal sacrifice.
Bones of Chronos- A spell to petrify bone.
Bones of Demeter- A ritual to soften bone to the consistency of clay.
Call of the Hungry Dead - A Giovanni curse meant to drive a mortal insane.
Casting of Bones - A simple divination to determine if the next action chosen will be beneficial.
Catoptromancy - The enchantment of an everyday mirror to reflect the spirits of the dead.
Cephalomancy - An augury that enchants a dead head to speak its secrets to the caster.
Ceremonial Circle - A ritual abjuration meant to prevent catastrophic failure when working necromancy.
Eldritch Beacon - A Sabbat enchantment that marks out a target for wraith.
Evil Eye - A a simple verbal curse that penalizes a target; this ritual can be cast in combat.
Final Sight - A ritualized version of the level one path power of Sepulchre.
Fire of Hades -
Incense of Hekate - A necromantic, detect magic ritual.
Incubation - A necromantic dream ritual for speaking with the dead by sleeping in a tomb or graveyard.
Kapala of Memory -
Knowing Stone -
Necrophilia - A dark enchantment that evokes sexual attraction to corpses.
Minestradi Morte -
Mists of Death - Rank One-
Occult Text - Necromantically encrypted writings.
Sweet Preservation - A rite using honey to preserve corpses.
Tarbfeis -- Ritual to activate the Vathi (or question any severed head).
Token of Phobos - An enchantment which increases the caster’s intimidation rating.

Level 2
Blades of Thanatos - Bone knives enchanted to steal life force.
Dismissal of the Dead - A mystical bribe to a wraith to leave and not return.
Doll of Thanatos - A spell inspired by the Giovanni, that curses a victim to appear as a corpse.
Eyes of the Grave - A Giovanni ritual for cursing someone with visions of their own death.
Fallen Familiar - An enchantment which creates an undead sentinel.
Graven Stimuli - This ritual creates a sympathetic stimulus between a corpse and a target.
Guardian Genius - A Drone guardian that watches and warns the caster of impending danger.
The Hand of Glory -
Kiss of the Dark Queen-
Oath of Orcus - A verbal contract between a necromancer and a summoned wraith.
Puppet - A Sabbat ritual of ghostly possession, that is often used as psychological torture.
Sympathetic Rigor - A paralytic curse.
Two Centimes -
Level 3
Chthonian Holocaust - A burnt offering meant to mystically enhance a sorcerer's ritual performance.
Chalice of Memoirs- This ritual allows the necromancer to temporarily borrow the memories of a dead person.
Eleusinian Gate - A ritual that opens a gate-way into and out of the Underworld.
Haruspicy of Devoveo - Animal sacrifice and entrail reading to divine the nature of a curse or spell.
Mnemosyne’s Curse - A necromantic counter-curse that stripes an attacking sorcerer of his personal memories.
Persephone’s Seeds - An enchanted bezoar that creates a short term, throw away animation.
Texts of Execration - This complex curse allows the necromancer to curse more than one victim at a time.
Level 4
A Draught from the Sixth River of the Underworld-
Drink of Lethe's Waters-
Extract of Mnemosyne -A dark rite involving the consumption of the deceased's blood to temporarily gain one of their talents, skills or knowledges
Immured Sanctum -The consecration of a sacred space which eases the difficulty surrounding the dark art.
Phasmatis Opus Phylacterium -The imprisonment of a ghost in a specially prepared object to create a necromantic fetish.

Thaumaturgy Rituals

Level 1


Allies 2
Contacts 6 -- Dr.Abel Araújo - Forensics, Susana Fernandes - Mortician, Gervásio Ventura - Graverobber, Carmo Freitas - Forger of Identification, Frederica Romão - Lawyer.
Generation 6
Mentor 1
Resources 5 -- Better Left Unsaid - shop, Sweet Dreams-Vampire Porn Production House
Retainers 4 -- Guilherme Abreu - Gardener, Verônica Delgado - Housekeeper, Dimas Franco - Escaped mental patient
Familiars 5 (wraiths)


Conviction 3
Self-Control 4
Courage 3


Road of Bones -- (Path of Death and the Soul) 5



Merits & Flaws

  • -- Medium -- 2pt Supernatural.